View Full Version : Bill Frist's wife is doing a book signing at my campus tomorrow

10-18-2006, 08:35 PM
TCU alum Karyn Frist ’76, wife of Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist, will be on campus tomorrow (Thursday, Oct. 19) signing her newly released book, “Love You, Daddy Boy”. This book was prompted by the weekly letters her father wrote her while she was an undergraduate at TCU. The book is a compilation of stories written by 70 famous American women about the importance of their father in their lives. All proceeds of the book go to charity. The book signing will be from 2:00 – 2:30 p.m. at the Dee J. Kelly Alumni and Visitors Center.

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I plan to go tomorrow and politely explain to her why (and how strongly) I disprove of her husband's addendum to the Safe Port Act. Obviously I won't have much time, so I'm trying to rehearse what I will say in those 20sec or so.

Although I plan on asking her to hear me out for a few minutes after the signing is done, I'm not counting on being granted this opportunity. Thus, I think presenting her with a single page document explaining my views is the best way to convey my views on this issue (mostly that there should be an exception for poker, which is a game of skill, and that regulation/taxation is the only real long-term solution).

That said, has anybody already typed up something like this that I could use instead of writing my own? PPA maybe? I'm not trying to get out of doing work -- in fact, I consider myself an excellent writer -- I just don't want to get anything wrong (especially from a legal standpoint) because that would totally kill my credibility.

Thoughts? Ideas?

10-18-2006, 08:43 PM
Good luck. Keep us posted.

10-18-2006, 08:46 PM

10-18-2006, 08:54 PM
Don't hesitate to question why the gambling on horses isn't against in this and yet poker is. Go get her!

10-18-2006, 08:59 PM
burn the bitch alive

10-18-2006, 09:04 PM
burn the bitch alive

[/ QUOTE ]''

LOL what are we radical muslims or something here? Peaceful resistance my brothers.


10-18-2006, 09:09 PM
I don't think she knows about, nor cares about the legislation.

So, go sass her...maybe she will later.

Although, I think this approach would work best, and don't worry about lying to a politician, it doesn't count as a lie.

"My father got injured on the job a few years back and has been unable to work. His employer illegally neglected workman's comp insurance, so my father had no way to make ends meet, and the company folded so no law suits were possible. I was just starting school, there were bills to pay, and my father is a smart man and was able to become a skilled poker player quickly. Online poker is legal in this country and in my state, but this new bill will make it difficult for my father to be able to continue providing for my family. Please tell your husband, Mr. Frist that he made a big mistake that is impacting real people. My father can't walk and is really too old to start a new career now. I just don't know what my family will do."

10-18-2006, 09:15 PM
Leave her alone.

10-18-2006, 09:15 PM
cuckolding is traditional.

2+2's finest need to step up for the cause.


10-18-2006, 09:25 PM
Buy her a strap on for use on Bill.

10-18-2006, 09:29 PM
Arguing rationally with a politician/associate of a politician is useless. Think of a zinger, and use it. She'll feel worse than if you laid out an argument politely.

10-18-2006, 09:37 PM
Go to the bakery first!

10-18-2006, 09:43 PM

That said, has anybody already typed up something like this that I could use instead of writing my own?

[/ QUOTE ]

Feel free to use the letter I wrote to my senator. Modify it how you like. I'm not sure if it's 100% what your looking for, this is just how I felt so it's what I wrote.

Dear Senator Nelson,

I have never felt reason to write my senator in the past, however I think this current issue recently put into legislation that will ban online gambling is a subject I feel strongly enough about to take the time.

I have to be honest when I state that I'm not 100% clear on all the facts, as finding unbiased information regarding the subject has been somewhat difficult but it's my understanding that a Port Security Act was passed recently which had an Internet Gambling Prohibition Act piggy-backed into it.

From what I can tell the Internet Gambling Prohibition Act will outlaw online gaming and many of the major gambling websites, which are publicly traded companies, will no longer offer service to US citizens.

I've no doubt that there are strong arguments for the regulation of online gambling, and if provided with a sound and well thought out plan I'm sure I would support said regulations (as would many other gamblers). However the complete banning of online gaming seems an extreme solution to the problems that arise with gambling.

That said, my main issue with online gaming and this ban is specifically related to the game of Poker.

Poker has experienced an enormous boom in popularity in recent years. This popularity no doubt has had the most impact on the passing of the Internet Gambling Prohibition Act.

However I don't think the government has taken a close enough look at gambling, games of pure chance, and skill based games, to determine the best course of action for this legislation.

Pure chance games, such as roulette or craps, have nothing to do with the player’s ability to affect the outcome of the game. These games are also played against a casino, not players versus players. For those reasons alone, I can see no appreciable reason to have online versions of those games. Games such as these just feed players need to risk and win money, and have no tactical component that would allow a player to influence the outcome of the game.

However in a game like Poker, of which there are many versions, the casino is providing the service of a dealer for a small fee. Players are paired up against other players and use logic, intelligence, and reasoning to influence the outcome of the game and play better than their opponents. This is not too unlike a game such as chess, or probably a more appropriate comparison of back gammon or gin rummy.

In poker there certainly is an element of chance, however a smart player with skills in mathematics and psychology will win more often than a poor player. The same could be said about a game such as Scrabble.

If the legislation was passed in order to prevent deviant gambling problems I think I have shown that it needs to be reviewed and skill games such as Poker should be exempt from the list of games included in the Internet Gambling Prohibition Act.

If the legislation the other hand was for reasons such as trying to prevent U.S. dollars going to offshore companies which could possibly be using the funds for things such as drug production or terrorism, then I think the solution is not a ban but some regulations.

Perhaps making sites that want to operate within the U.S. have to meet some level of accountability or allowing service providers to have U.S. based companies and host the gaming sites within the U.S. would be a good start.

At any rate please attempt to review this bill and present to congress the facts before they create a blanket law that prevents law abiding citizens the opportunity for having safe entertainment from within the comfort of their own homes, and also prevents many other Americans whom use their skill and intelligence to make a living at these games.

Thank you,

xxxx - Concerned Citizen

[/ QUOTE ]

10-18-2006, 09:45 PM
Better yet the ultimate revenge:

1. Take her out to dinner
2. Then the hotel
3. Videotape
4. Spread video on internet

10-18-2006, 10:05 PM
Ask her if her husband still likes to adopt cats.

Only kidding... just leave her alone.

10-18-2006, 10:20 PM
Tell her you play online poker.. then just stare at her without blinking for the next 18 seconds

10-18-2006, 10:25 PM
Don't hesitate to question why the gambling on horses isn't against in this and yet poker is. Go get her!

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This is my #2 beef with the legislation. Such utter hipocrisy.
I don't think she knows about, nor cares about the legislation.

[/ QUOTE ]
Yeah unfortunately it's his wife, not Frist himself, so she may not know much (if anything) about the legislation. Regardless, I think that showing up and making my point is still worth a shot.

Feel free to use the letter I wrote to my senator. Modify it how you like. I'm not sure if it's 100% what your looking for, this is just how I felt so it's what I wrote.

[/ QUOTE ]
Wow thanks, I'm gonna make a few changes and print it out for her to read (here's hoping it doesn't find its way to the nearest trash can).
Arguing rationally with a politician/associate of a politician is useless. Think of a zinger, and use it. She'll feel worse than if you laid out an argument politely.

[/ QUOTE ]
I think reason works alot better with wives than with associates of politicians -- especially if I can convince a few buddies of mine to do the same thing at random intervals in the crowd. Hopefully I can at least get her to mention it to Frist or something...

10-18-2006, 10:35 PM
Leave her alone.

[/ QUOTE ]
Ask her if her husband still likes to adopt cats.

Only kidding... just leave her alone.

[/ QUOTE ]
I plan to wait in line just like everyone else and I'm not going to harass the woman, so I don't see how I would really be bothering her. If she laughs at me or something I'll simply tell her that I care enough about this issue to stand in line for the chance to present 10 seconds of my opinions as a voter to the wife of an influential politician.

As I said above, I'm not going to hassle her in any way. I've called my Congressmen numerous times (hell, a lifelong friend of mine is the personal assistant to one of our Senators), and I think this is the least I can do right now as a poker player in our time of need. Wish me luck and hope for open ears.

10-18-2006, 10:51 PM
Print out a copy of the Heir Frist Nazi Photo and ask her to sign it "Would you like a reacharound with that Fristing?"


10-18-2006, 11:01 PM
Agree with Perit.. who will step up to play the role if a reporter is there and wants an interview later.... how much are wheelchairs renting for a day?

Also, be sure and gift wrap the strap-on. No vaseline, please.

10-18-2006, 11:08 PM
I plan to go tomorrow and politely explain to her why (and how strongly) I disprove of her husband's addendum to the Safe Port Act.

[/ QUOTE ]

Waste of time. She won't care.

Off Duty
10-18-2006, 11:14 PM
You aren't being passive agressive enough. Go buy a cheap chipset in a metal case and a Sharpie that contrasts well on it.

"Mam'n, please pass on thanks to your husband. My illegal raked homegame has never been so lucrative since your husband passed that bill outlawing online gaming. It's so lucrative that I'm going to start my own underground casino. Could you sign these as a momento?"

Else, take a Party Poker hat down and have here autograph that and make a comment "that's all I have left, I guess I'll have to go back to selling meth and putting on raves to pay for my student loans since your husband doesn't support adaquate levels of student aid".

10-18-2006, 11:32 PM
Tell her that you would like to play "BILLY" heads up for
the national debt.....see if HE can get LUCKY......

10-18-2006, 11:35 PM
Give her teh SEX

10-18-2006, 11:44 PM
Leave her alone.

[/ QUOTE ]

yes, stop being an ass, get on with life.

10-18-2006, 11:53 PM
If she had nothing to do with the bill, and it sounds like she didnt, annoying her is an ass move.

10-18-2006, 11:55 PM
burn the bitch alive

[/ QUOTE ]''

LOL what are we radical muslims or something here? Peaceful resistance gets you nothing!!!!

[/ QUOTE ]

10-18-2006, 11:58 PM
dude just yank her up bend her over the table she is sitting at and...............

10-18-2006, 11:58 PM
Stab a bitch with justice.

10-19-2006, 12:32 AM
"Else, take a Party Poker hat down and have here autograph that and make a comment "that's all I have left, I guess I'll have to go back to selling meth and putting on raves to pay for my student loans since your husband doesn't support adaquate levels of student aid".

10-19-2006, 12:33 AM
I think reason works alot better with wives than with associates of politicians -- especially if I can convince a few buddies of mine to do the same thing at random intervals in the crowd. Hopefully I can at least get her to mention it to Frist or something...

[/ QUOTE ]

just make sure you use spell check.... ( a lot )

10-19-2006, 12:41 AM
Well of course we're gonna throw poo at her!

10-19-2006, 12:52 AM
If she had nothing to do with the bill, and it sounds like she didnt, annoying her is an ass move.

[/ QUOTE ]
Please reread my posts. I don't plan to annoy her in any way.

10-19-2006, 12:54 AM
Go in and loudly ask how her husbands insider stock investigation is going, also, have a box of kittens and ask her if he'd like them to dissect like all the other ones.

10-19-2006, 10:02 AM
Give her teh SEX

[/ QUOTE ]

10-19-2006, 11:53 AM
burn the bitch alive

[/ QUOTE ]''

LOL what are we radical muslims or something here? Peaceful resistance my brothers.


[/ QUOTE ]

No, if we were Radical Muslims we would bury her up to her neck and stone her until dead, then unbury her and cut her head off on video tape.


10-19-2006, 01:54 PM
What are you hoping to accomplish with this? The law has already been signed. Nor is Ms. Frist involved in the legislative process.

Your intention may not be to harass Ms. Frist, but (and however politely) that's all I see this accomplishing.

10-19-2006, 04:25 PM
Just got back.

I was one of the first 40 there, which means I got a free copy of the book for her to sign (should make a good Christmas present for Mom). Anyway, Mrs. Frist is a really nice lady and was very open to hear what I had to say. I enclosed my 2-pg printed & signed letter (http://tbaudio.com/fristletter.html) in an envelope and handed it to her after some brief smalltalk about my mom and hometown.

I told her there was a piece of legislation sponsored by her husband that recently passed through the Senate and that I have strong feelings about the issue. I metioned that I wrote my Senators already and asked if she could deliver my letter to her husband.

Somewhat to my surprise, she said of course she would and asked for my contact info (without even asking which piece of legislation this was about). I gladly gave it to her (it's also at the end of the letter), thanked her for her help and for the signed book, and walked away happy with the results.

Overall she was very receptive to hear me out and didn't seem bothered by my second agenda at all. It was actually quite the contrary -- she seemed pleased that a college student cared enough about an issue to go through this much trouble just to have his opinion heard.

Although I doubt my work today will have much of an effect on the overall scheme of things, I feel that if everyone else put in the effort I did today that we could actually get something done. I'll keep this thread updated if I hear back from either of them.

10-19-2006, 04:35 PM
Just got back.

I was one of the first 40 there, which means I got a free copy of the book for her to sign (should make a good Christmas present for Mom). Anyway, Mrs. Frist is a really nice lady and was very open to hear what I had to say. I enclosed my 2-pg printed & signed letter (http://tbaudio.com/fristletter.html) in an envelope and handed it to her after some brief smalltalk about my mom and hometown.

I told her there was a piece of legislation sponsored by her husband that recently passed through the Senate and that I have strong feelings about the issue. I metioned that I wrote my Senators already and asked if she could deliver my letter to her husband.

Somewhat to my surprise, she said of course she would and asked for my contact info (without even asking which piece of legislation this was about). I gladly gave it to her (it's also at the end of the letter), thanked her for her help and for the signed book, and walked away happy with the results.

Overall she was very receptive to hear me out and didn't seem bothered by my second agenda at all. It was actually quite the contrary -- she seemed pleased that a college student cared enough about an issue to go through this much trouble just to have his opinion heard.

Although I doubt my work today will have much of an effect on the overall scheme of things, I feel that if everyone else put in the effort I did today that we could actually get something done. I'll keep this thread updated if I hear back from either of them.

[/ QUOTE ]You expected her to throw down? /images/graemlins/confused.gif

10-19-2006, 04:45 PM
Leave her alone.

[/ QUOTE ]
Ask her if her husband still likes to adopt cats.

Only kidding... just leave her alone.

[/ QUOTE ]
I plan to wait in line just like everyone else and I'm not going to harass the woman, so I don't see how I would really be bothering her. If she laughs at me or something I'll simply tell her that I care enough about this issue to stand in line for the chance to present 10 seconds of my opinions as a voter to the wife of an influential politician.

As I said above, I'm not going to hassle her in any way. I've called my Congressmen numerous times (hell, a lifelong friend of mine is the personal assistant to one of our Senators), and I think this is the least I can do right now as a poker player in our time of need. Wish me luck and hope for open ears.

[/ QUOTE ]

I also think you're not going to accomplish anything, but I'm glad you're at least being intelligent and nonconfrontational about it.

EDIT: Didn't see this had already happened. Good job going about it the way you did, even if I don't think it's going to do anything.

10-19-2006, 04:49 PM
The Frist family made most of their money by taking over a bunch of hospitals, then implementing a policy of sending uninsured patients to the next hospital.

I imagine that a woman who approves of letting people die in order to make extra money is going to give approximately zero [censored] about this bill.

That said, thanks for not being dumb with your approach.

10-19-2006, 05:06 PM
just take her out for a nice seafood dinner and never call her again

10-19-2006, 05:13 PM
Just got back.

I was one of the first 40 there, which means I got a free copy of the book for her to sign (should make a good Christmas present for Mom). Anyway, Mrs. Frist is a really nice lady and was very open to hear what I had to say. I enclosed my 2-pg printed & signed letter (http://tbaudio.com/fristletter.html) in an envelope and handed it to her after some brief smalltalk about my mom and hometown.

I told her there was a piece of legislation sponsored by her husband that recently passed through the Senate and that I have strong feelings about the issue. I metioned that I wrote my Senators already and asked if she could deliver my letter to her husband.

Somewhat to my surprise, she said of course she would and asked for my contact info (without even asking which piece of legislation this was about). I gladly gave it to her (it's also at the end of the letter), thanked her for her help and for the signed book, and walked away happy with the results.

Overall she was very receptive to hear me out and didn't seem bothered by my second agenda at all. It was actually quite the contrary -- she seemed pleased that a college student cared enough about an issue to go through this much trouble just to have his opinion heard.

Although I doubt my work today will have much of an effect on the overall scheme of things, I feel that if everyone else put in the effort I did today that we could actually get something done. I'll keep this thread updated if I hear back from either of them.

[/ QUOTE ]

You conducted yourself with class. Good job.

10-19-2006, 05:24 PM
Tell her loudly that her husband sent you explicit e-mails when you worked for him as a page as a teenager.

10-19-2006, 05:26 PM
You conducted yourself with class. Good job.

[/ QUOTE ]


Anadrol 50
10-19-2006, 05:50 PM
Good job! At least you are doing something which is more than 99% of poker players...

10-19-2006, 06:16 PM
Give her the Nazi salute. It seems to be the in-thing for politicians these days.

10-19-2006, 06:34 PM
Nice job and thanks!

10-19-2006, 06:35 PM
I feel that if everyone else put in the effort I did today that we could actually get something done.

[/ QUOTE ]

Your are right. If everyone put in the effort to contact their Senator and U.S. Representative there might be a good chance they would listen.

However the author of the bill speaking on behalf of the moral majority and family values who is retiring is probably not going to be much help. However, there are plenty of more liberal types who may help us down the road.

Have you posted your letter? did i miss it?

10-19-2006, 07:34 PM
i love college kids.

they're so...i dunno, dumb?

10-19-2006, 09:08 PM
You conducted yourself with class. Good job.

[/ QUOTE ]


[/ QUOTE ]

Doubt it'll do any good, but you handled this very well, I'd say. No anthrax in the letter, I presume? /images/graemlins/smirk.gif

10-19-2006, 10:17 PM
I don't think she knows about, nor cares about the legislation.

So, go sass her...maybe she will later.

Although, I think this approach would work best, and don't worry about lying to a politician, it doesn't count as a lie.

"My father got injured on the job a few years back and has been unable to work. His employer illegally neglected workman's comp insurance, so my father had no way to make ends meet, and the company folded so no law suits were possible. I was just starting school, there were bills to pay, and my father is a smart man and was able to become a skilled poker player quickly. Online poker is legal in this country and in my state, but this new bill will make it difficult for my father to be able to continue providing for my family. Please tell your husband, Mr. Frist that he made a big mistake that is impacting real people. My father can't walk and is really too old to start a new career now. I just don't know what my family will do."

[/ QUOTE ]


She could just as easily say why should people with a problem fund your father?

10-19-2006, 10:18 PM
Nice letter, OP. just read it.

10-19-2006, 10:39 PM

10-20-2006, 02:21 AM

Have you posted your letter? did i miss it?

[/ QUOTE ]
Yeah but it got hidden in my update post. I didn't spend nearly enough time revising the first part of the letter as I did on the second part (had to leave to get there in time!), so pardon the relatively weak pensmanship at the beginning. Link to letter (http://tbaudio.com/fristletter.html).

10-20-2006, 01:58 PM
I don't think she knows about, nor cares about the legislation.

So, go sass her...maybe she will later.

Although, I think this approach would work best, and don't worry about lying to a politician, it doesn't count as a lie.

"My father got injured on the job a few years back and has been unable to work. His employer illegally neglected workman's comp insurance, so my father had no way to make ends meet, and the company folded so no law suits were possible. I was just starting school, there were bills to pay, and my father is a smart man and was able to become a skilled poker player quickly. Online poker is legal in this country and in my state, but this new bill will make it difficult for my father to be able to continue providing for my family. Please tell your husband, Mr. Frist that he made a big mistake that is impacting real people. My father can't walk and is really too old to start a new career now. I just don't know what my family will do."

[/ QUOTE ]


She could just as easily say why should people with a problem fund your father?

[/ QUOTE ]

Make no mistake about it, my post was not an ARGUMENT, and as such cannot be refuted. It is what is called a pity plea. The point is to make the person feel bad so that they'll take your side. Logic and Argument are approaches that are particularly ineffective most places outside of the science and engineering realm of the world. For example, logic plays almost no role in politics and therefore policy making in our country. That's why our country is going down the tubes.

And to be clear, the point is not, if you can't beat 'em join 'em. The point is, you don't hammer in a nail with a screwdriver.

(and if she does say 'why should people with a problem fund your father' you say 'they already fund education' while you cry publicly until the politician really gets red faced. The point is SHAME, not argument. These people may look down on us and all of the other ants scurrying around, but they really feel bad when they see one of the plebs they (or their people) directly [censored] over.)

10-20-2006, 02:27 PM
Tell her you play online poker.. then just stare at her without blinking for the next 18 seconds

[/ QUOTE ]

hahahah wow how did everyone miss this?

10-20-2006, 02:54 PM
Tell her you play online poker.. then just stare at her without blinking for the next 18 seconds

[/ QUOTE ]

hahahah wow how did everyone miss this?

[/ QUOTE ]

that is classic

actually you should just let her be, you could hand her a deck of cards and tell her like a gentleman in few words how you feel and leave it at that

and then talk to her about your milf hunting activities and all.........;)

10-20-2006, 03:35 PM
i love college kids.

they're so...i dunno, willing to try to do something rather than just bash people on a message board who do

[/ QUOTE ]


BTW - good letter skier - nicely done.

10-20-2006, 03:38 PM
There is one theme that has cropped up just often enough in this thread that I feel compelled to ask... have you SEEN Bill Frist's wife?

10-20-2006, 03:48 PM
There is one theme that has cropped up just often enough in this thread that I feel compelled to ask... have you SEEN Bill Frist's wife?

[/ QUOTE ]

6 pack and no lights, im good to go

10-20-2006, 05:25 PM
TCU alum Karyn Frist ’76, wife of Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist, will be on campus tomorrow (Thursday, Oct. 19) signing her newly released book, “Love You, Daddy Boy”. This book was prompted by the weekly letters her father wrote her while she was an undergraduate at TCU. The book is a compilation of stories written by 70 famous American women about the importance of their father in their lives. All proceeds of the book go to charity. The book signing will be from 2:00 – 2:30 p.m. at the Dee J. Kelly Alumni and Visitors Center.

[/ QUOTE ]
I plan to go tomorrow and politely explain to her why (and how strongly) I disprove of her husband's addendum to the Safe Port Act. Obviously I won't have much time, so I'm trying to rehearse what I will say in those 20sec or so.

Although I plan on asking her to hear me out for a few minutes after the signing is done, I'm not counting on being granted this opportunity. Thus, I think presenting her with a single page document explaining my views is the best way to convey my views on this issue (mostly that there should be an exception for poker, which is a game of skill, and that regulation/taxation is the only real long-term solution).

That said, has anybody already typed up something like this that I could use instead of writing my own? PPA maybe? I'm not trying to get out of doing work -- in fact, I consider myself an excellent writer -- I just don't want to get anything wrong (especially from a legal standpoint) because that would totally kill my credibility.

Thoughts? Ideas?

[/ QUOTE ]

How much was your bail for harrassing a Senator's wife?

10-20-2006, 06:13 PM
Excellent letter skiier. The one other thing i would have mentioned in there is that i didn't appreciate the underhanded way he snuck it into a must-pass bill. This was something that deserved its own open discussion.

Like others, I'm not sure that the letter will do much good at this point, except if you've got Frist on your fantasy wastepaper basketball league team, but after the changing of the guard in a few months (vote nov 7!), perhaps some of these points would be relevant when campaigning for a poker carve-out or some other change that would allow multi-state games to happen.


btw, although this bill may be the one that most directly affects me, the torture-is-ok bill that passed the same week i found far more disgusting.