View Full Version : Develop Revenue Model for US gov....

10-17-2006, 02:13 AM
I've been reading here for awhile and was thinking...
Well we all knw the real reason for US doing this is wanting a piece of the action, if it was a moral or family issue they would have banned Alcohol and Tobacco.....
but anyways...

This forum is by far the most intelligent forum out there IMHO and O was thinking what if from this group of minds, there was a model put together to give incentive for the US gov. to start regulating online gaming...

I did a quick calculation based on number of hands played at some of the sites. The sites were Absolute, Party, Microgaming, Pokerstars, and Full Tilt.

The total to date of hand played were app. 11 billion hands

Now I understand this is all hands, including play money and tournement....

But as a conservative estimate, I figure if US regulated there would probably more players, which would be more hands.

SO if there is 5 billion hands played on an annual basis, and you ended taxing on a % of the rake taken at a table, for instance (well this gets a little hairy to come up with appropriate table based on stakes), but we will say an avg. of all ring games we will say 10 cents is taken....

.10 x 5 billion would come out to 500 million dollars...

Now I know this is a drop in the bucket to the US government, but this whole system would also be double sided.

The banking industry will not have to lower rate of return to it's customers because of overhead enforcing laws, which inturn would lower spending, which would raise interests rates, which would, blah blah blah, you know where I'm going wiht this.

The government would not have to spend more money on investigating potential law breakers, because I feel with this law they will be doing a ton more audits being done by IRS.

ANyways these are some of my thoughts, maybe there are some math wizzess out there along with others to add their 2 cents on pros and cons to what affect this law has on the government and economy, and to how we could develop a good revenue model to show the government they are moving the wrong way on this....

Thanks all..