View Full Version : Illegal whoring?

01-29-2006, 06:35 PM
I have a couple of bonus related questions.

a) If I inpersonate someone _with permission from them_ online and over the telephone when sommunicating with gambling companies, am I doing something illegal then?

b) If I open a second account at a gambling site, with correct account details, am I doing something illegal then?


01-29-2006, 07:10 PM
Yes...most T&Cs that I've seen prohibit this. If you, in any shape or form, open a second account (especially for the purpose of bonus abuse), this is illegal by the company's T&Cs.

01-29-2006, 07:21 PM
I thought this was OOT for a second. This is far less exciting.

It's probably illegal by the T&C's of the site, but who would know? Just make sure it's a solid relationship before you win a cruise on their account.

01-29-2006, 08:06 PM
Contrary to the t+c's of a site is not the same as 'illegal'. If the OP really means illegal, the first question would be what legal jurisdiction any such crime would fall under.

01-30-2006, 02:25 AM
I'm not a law expert by any means, but I would imagine that when you sign up to a site and agree to their T&Cs, this is a contract that you have just agreed to. Violating the contract would most likely be illegal and the site would be allowed to seize your funds and freeze your account. Do what you want though.

01-30-2006, 02:55 AM
Yes of course it would be illegal but why do it? If you mean like making believe you are your pop or something to open an account then if its with his permission get him to do it for you. I mean if its with thier permission I dont see the problem? I opened my very first account at Pacific and I had that in a relatives name and we actually told the site that there would be a relative playing for them on the site and they said what you do with your money is your business so again whats the problem?

41/2 to 5 time bonus @20%
read the blog

01-30-2006, 03:24 AM
Your blog is painful to read.

01-30-2006, 10:56 AM
iMpersonating someone regardless of permission or not, is very illegal. ( i am a paralegal fyi) it doesnt matter if the person is standing right next to you, unless you clarify that you are a third party designee (someone that the person has verified as a 'care taker') then there is no legality in iMpersonating them

for the second question, i am assuming you mean opening an account at a gambling site, where you already have an account. i am also assuming you will be using someone elses information, with their permission. This is also illegal.

there are exact words for both of these questions, its FRAUD. go directly to jail. do not pass go. do not collect 200.

but that is, if you get caught. ;-)

01-30-2006, 11:00 AM
Yes of course it would be illegal but why do it? If you mean like making believe you are your pop or something to open an account then if its with his permission get him to do it for you. I mean if its with thier permission I dont see the problem? I opened my very first account at Pacific and I had that in a relatives name and we actually told the site that there would be a relative playing for them on the site and they said what you do with your money is your business so again whats the problem?

41/2 to 5 time bonus @20%
read the blog

[/ QUOTE ]

it is not illegal when you clarify that a third party will be designated to handle the account. it IS illegal when you claim to be someone else, and sign a TOC or any other contract , verbal written or webbased.

01-30-2006, 11:24 AM
Your blog is painful to read.

[/ QUOTE ]

01-30-2006, 01:09 PM
Thanks for the help.

I don't want to do illegal stuff even though the risk is low. So I'll keep myself from impersonating.

In the second question I ask, I meant to ask if it is illegal to open a second account in my own name, using my own details. The reason to that question is that I bonus raided some casinoes a year ago or so and I hope they have forgotten about me by now.

01-30-2006, 01:56 PM
Why do you put that stupid blog [censored] in all your posts? There is a reason signatures aren't allowed.

01-30-2006, 03:22 PM
In the second question I ask, I meant to ask if it is illegal to open a second account in my own name, using my own details. The reason to that question is that I bonus raided some casinoes a year ago or so and I hope they have forgotten about me by now.

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm not so sure computerized databases can "forget" people. Certainly they can be deleted, but I can't see any reason why they would delete a database like that.