View Full Version : They Didn't See It Comming?

10-14-2006, 09:46 AM
Online sites should be blamed for taking a "laissez-faire" attitude toward the situation we US players are in. They either didn't see the handwriting on the wall, or just "assumed"(and you know what assumed means) that nothing would be done. Money and votes count, if the sites had taken a more active role in trying to legalize poker online we might have not be in the situation we are in now. They could have used some of their large profits and do what other companies do to get Congress to pass legislation favorable to them. Maybe they did and I don’t know about it, we will probably never know. But I firmly believe that they could have done more. What can be done now to rectify the situation? About the only recourse I see is to get Congress to change their attitude and that means changing who is representing you. This, I see, is a problem given that most Americans also have a “laissez-faire” attitude about voting, and also have a very short attention span. At the present time we are letting the wrong groups influence our lawmakers, and have the wrong lawmakers in the majority position. Don’t give up and say “Let someone else do it”, or “There is nothing I can do”. Take an active role in who represents you. Do your homework on candidates and VOTE .

An ex-Republican

10-14-2006, 11:09 AM
I think you are largely correct, how else can you explain Party's year long "monster" promo, no way they would have set that up if they thought there was the slightest chance of being legislated against, quite obviously therefore they didnt.

10-14-2006, 11:10 AM
they may have prepared for this as well as justified, given the law was not considered "likely" to pass. it was a surprise, from most of what i heard.

Party execs were unloading stocks since the IPO. The IPO itself looks like a pump-and-dump. Maybe they were preparing more than we can see right now?

I would guess that all they have to do is run away with enough profits to re-start in the carribean. Restart with private companies and advertise through channels outside the reach of the USJ. Am I wrong?

Of course now they are diverting resources toward legal work... i.e., interpretation of the new laws, and ways to circumvent them. It will be a matter of time, but somewhere, someone is going to start opening new casinos with new cash processors, just like they've always done.

just my humble opinion. still reading.

10-14-2006, 12:09 PM
There is a complaints thread for this stuff.