View Full Version : We only have ourselves to blame (legislation)

10-14-2006, 12:47 AM
With todays bill being signed into law, we only have ourselves to blame. We have allowed a minority in this country (US) to have a stronger voice than the majority on many issues. The majority sits back and enjoys things. The minority talks loud on things they disapprove of and get things their way. So if you are upset about onling gambling, you only have yourself to blame.

For most here, poker is one of the biggest things in their lives. It is what they know and what they follow. So up until now they haven't acted on other issues in our society. Once this bill affected them, they are now upset. But the writing has been on the wall for a long time. Individual rights have been slowly decaying for a long time. But the majority of society sat back and did nothing because maybe it didn't hit them yet. But once it hit them, they now cry. But if they opened their eyes earlier, they would have seen they should have spoke up earlier so this never happened.

Whenever you allow a group of people to push their moral values upon others as law, the majority of the public is affected. The majority of the public does not want laws that take away rights. But this same majority act as sheep and let it happen.

It is time for the majority of the public to have a larger voice than the minority that currently talk loud and get their voices heard. It is time to put differences aside and make this country as free again as it should be and as free as it is marketed to be.

So next time you get upset about this latest bill that took your ability to play poker online away, think about all the other previous happenings that past few years that you sat back and let happen. Remember that you might agree that other things are wrong and should be made illegal, regulated, etc.., but you cannot always allow your moral or religious views to control others. This is what is missing in todays society. Majority wants their views to be the law.

So look into the mirror and blame yourself if you have let everything else go without standing up for the past few years. The harsh reality is we only have ourselves to blame as we allowed this to happen to all of us.

Your Mom
10-14-2006, 12:50 AM

Losing all
10-14-2006, 12:50 AM

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10-14-2006, 12:51 AM

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That is your only response? Very intelligent thoughts.

10-14-2006, 12:56 AM
There is a complaints thread. Take your post there.