View Full Version : A Possible Loophole?

10-13-2006, 10:21 PM
I was just re-reading the law, and my skill at reading legalese is not up to making this decision myself. So here goes:

Earlier I suggested money orders as a way around the law, as they don't require verification prior to sending and are treated as cash. I was gently reminded that the sites would still have to present the money order to get paid, and moving the bottleneck is not the same as eliminating it.

But how about this: the USPS issues money orders, but I am unable to determine from the writing whether it qualifies as a financial institution under the law. There is certainly precedent for gov't passing laws that don't apply to itself (as I learned to my chagrin when my boss at the USPS kept locking the fire escape--can't call OSHA). Therefore, perhaps somone more knowlegeable than myself could let me know if this is a workable loophole.