View Full Version : Ode to Party

D. Bosola
10-13-2006, 09:37 PM
O Party, thou hast cleft my heart in twain!
With thee, I spent a thousand sleepless nights,
In ecstasies of pleasure and of pain,
So splendid were thy succulent delights!
Thy epic tournies, rife with jousting donks,
Did rescue me from abject destitution;
Now Dubya and his idiotic wonks
Do invite my bloody retribution!
How dare they say with whom you can transact,
And cordon you from he who loves you most?
I swear this day a solemn, sacred fact;
Election Day, those f*ckers will be toast.
But if that fails, there's but one thing to do:
To Canada! Where we begin anew.