View Full Version : Internet gambling legislation, children and gambling addicts

10-11-2006, 06:04 PM
I saw that bill frist said that internet gambling targets children and gambling addicts. This seems to be in somewhat the same category as porn debates. I remember reading somewhere that the supreme court ruled that something could not be made illegal for adults simply because children could use it. I think this would also go along with gambling addicts. You can't punish people simply because some have misused it. This has probably been said before, but I am surprised Frist used it in convincing people that online gambling is wrong. Also, do you think that this law would stand up if taken to the supreme court. I don't know much about US law or politics but I was simply curious what you all think.

10-11-2006, 06:07 PM
The CDA and COPA (both to protect children from porn) laws had many issues in the courts. I do not believe either ever made it into law because they did not survive court challenges. The watered down law made it so credit cards could be used as an age verification. That is what makes it so odd that credit cards have been the target of this law that is supposedly to protect children.

10-11-2006, 07:24 PM
What we really need to do is figure out what it is about online horseracing and state lotteries that makes them so harmless to children and gambling addicts, extract that, and sprinkle it on the virtual cards.

10-11-2006, 07:40 PM
What's "harmless" about horseracing and state lotteries is that the government gets its share of the proceeds. The government doesn't give a rat's butt about compulsive gamblers.