View Full Version : Tunica Trip Report (short)

10-02-2006, 10:44 PM
Just getting back to Atlanta from spending 3 days in Tunica. Let me first say that playing poker in Tunica is such a joy. The dealers, floor staff and the ppl in the Gulf Coast in general are friendly and very hospitable.

My friend and I drove from Atlanta and got in at midnight Friday. We checked into the Veranda Hotel and took the shuttle to the Grand. There were several sats going, a few 2/5NL games and a 5/10NL games (they did not run any 1 / 2 NL as an earlier poster mentioned). My friend made $1K in sats and I pulled down $380. We decided to call it a night and pick things up in the morning.

I got up early b/c I was trying to sat into the $1.5K (my friend had already decided to put up another $500 with the $1K he won last night and enter). I played two $180 sats, including a turbo right before the start of the $1.5K, but didn’t advance. I ended up railbirding my friend and splashing around in the 4/8 limit game. He didn’t fare well though and we decided to head to the Horseshoe and GoldStrike.

I played in the 1 / 2NL game and he sat down at the 2/5 game. It was a fun atmosphere and the tables were good. I got hit early on when someone raised to $10 with 3 callers and I bumped it to $35 with AA (I should have made it more like $75 b/c everyone called). The flop was 5-6-7 and I got checkraised AI and should have had the discipline to save the $100 I had behind but called only to see villain show 3-4. From that point on though I started getting in the groove and busted a guy with A5 on a 5-5-x-x-x board. I don’t know what he had but the guy was a Fish and he prob had like a mid pocket. A few hands later I flop the nut flush with Ax and bust some that flopped the second nut with Kx. That was sweet. My friend ends the session down and we call it a night.

Sunday turned out to be a big night for both of us. I played in the GoldStrike $300 MTT with T6,000 in starting chips and 40 minutes levels. Great tournament that they hold the first Sunday of every month. 81 runners, 10 hours of play, 4 way even chop for $4,300. My friend makes $2K in a long 1 /2NL session highlighted by this hand. A crazy character had recently sat at the table. He was 50 something with a beard, a cowboy hat, a beard and a crazy table image. In his first hand at the table the guy to his left raised to $7 and he says, “make it 77” putting in a $70 reraise. He was also showing one of his cards before the flop during some hands.

Then this hand went down. My friend had $1,400 and cowboy had $1,100 at the start of the hand. My friend raises from UTG with AK, one caller, and then cowboy reraises, call, call. Flop comes K-2-4, both players check to cowboy who puts out a decent bet. My friend calls the other guy folds. Turn is blank, friend checks cowboy puts down another big bet…while my friend is thinking about what to do cowboy says I’ve got the King and flips over a King. My friend eventually calls the turn bet. The river is a blank and BEFORE my friend acts cowboy turns over his other card, a Queen. The table is confused and the dealer is about to push up the King to show pair of Kings and my friend was like I haven’t acted. Cowboy didn’t complain and he knew my friend hadn’t acted. I guess cowboy just thought he was good or who knows. So my friend has the right to act and after thinking for about 90 seconds he declares “I’m all in”. This was for another $500 or $600. After about 5 seconds cowboy called and lost the big pot. He gets up from the table and calls it a night.

Today I saw Barry G and Moneymaker in the Main. Moneymaker almost went broke with a set of 4s to a set of As in level 1 but a 4th card of the same suit on the board on the river slowed the action. I spoke to Vanessas Russo who busted out in the first 30 minutes. She speaks super fast but is very engaging…and looks very attractive in person I must say. She was a class act and I’m rooting for her in the future b/c she seems real. Can’t wait to January when the fun returns to Tunica. I will be focused on getting into the Main this time and mixing it up with the big boys.

Edit to say: Johnny Grooms was the TD for the GoldStrike MTT I FT. He did a great job and runs a great poker room!