View Full Version : Poker.com Statement - no change in operations

10-02-2006, 07:03 AM
Very quickly, as far as we are concerned our operations are 100% legal under international law and we follow all laws of the jurisdictions in which our operations reside. There will still be plenty of places to play poker and the industry will adapt, evolve and survive.

I'd like to say something about the US legislative process and the integrity of these Republicans, but my mother always said if you can't say anything nice....

10-02-2006, 07:06 AM
what's poker.com?

10-02-2006, 07:07 AM
Smart move to post this. Other sites should be using this as an opportunity.

10-02-2006, 07:12 AM
Great News! I believe many sites will not run scared like Party, Pacific and Will Hill.

Sites willing to take a stand will be rewarded with our play!

10-02-2006, 07:12 AM
Poker.com is a small site offering mostly micro limits. No PT support, but OK software. You can multitable and they have resizeable windows, like Stars and Party.

They are also the site that picked up the tab to send ChecknRaise WSOP qualifiers to the tourney after CnR reneged and said it souldn't cover the tourney fees. (Believe there were 9 or 10 qualifiers, and CnR wanted to pay them the $10,000 tourney fee to them in monthly installments. No idea how that turned out.)

Something to keep in mind---today's small sites may be next month's big sites if they are willing to take US business.

10-02-2006, 07:13 AM
Very quickly, as far as we are concerned our operations are 100% legal under international law and we follow all laws of the jurisdictions in which our operations reside. There will still be plenty of places to play poker and the industry will adapt, evolve and survive.

I'd like to say something about the US legislative process and the integrity of these Republicans, but my mother always said if you can't say anything nice....

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Thank you sir, I look forward to continuing my loyal play on your fine site.

10-02-2006, 07:13 AM
The sites that aren't already disgusting wealthy will be more than willing to gamble with the US gov't to take down a share of US customers.

I applaud your efforts, poker.com.

Ron Burgundy
10-02-2006, 07:14 AM
Very quickly, as far as we are concerned our operations are 100% legal under international law and we follow all laws of the jurisdictions in which our operations reside. There will still be plenty of places to play poker and the industry will adapt, evolve and survive.

I'd like to say something about the US legislative process and the integrity of these Republicans, but my mother always said if you can't say anything nice....

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Your location says you're in Australia, is that where poker.com is based?

Could you tell us how the Australian govt. regulates internet gambling? I think if we can prove to the US govt. that legalization and regulation of the industry can work, then we may be able to do what Italy has done recently (going from banning to regulation).

10-02-2006, 07:17 AM
what's poker.com?

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It's a small site where I ended 3rd in 20k freeroll and took 1.5K where my BR was 1.1K. Thank you Poker.com!

10-02-2006, 07:23 AM
Very quickly, as far as we are concerned our operations are 100% legal under international law and we follow all laws of the jurisdictions in which our operations reside. There will still be plenty of places to play poker and the industry will adapt, evolve and survive.

I'd like to say something about the US legislative process and the integrity of these Republicans, but my mother always said if you can't say anything nice....

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Thanks of the statement. Keep in mind that this bill passed unanimously in the Senate and nearly unanimously in the House so there were plenty of Democrats who voted for it too.

10-02-2006, 07:25 AM
Some of our Operations are based in Australia, but our license is in Canada and servers are in Canada/UK. So we are not regulated by the Australian government with regard to gaming operations, just company law etc for any operations based here.

Australia regulates sports betting, horse racing and lotteries online that are available to Australians and a wider range of online gaming that is not available to Australians. For example Australians can place sports bets at somewhere like Betfair, but not play poker there. But there is nothing stopping Aussies from playing at somewhere like Party. (which brings up another point - why does party risk $1million in fines by allowing Australians to play, but is scared of the current US law? Maybe they are just clueless about the Aus situation?)

There was legislation introduced under similar circumstances to the current US situation in 2001. It was lobbied by lottery and horse racing groups who were scared of the threat of online games. It does not prevent Australians from playing as there are no penalties against players, but instead attempts to prevent the marketing of 'games of chance' to Australians and prohibits any Australian company from offering 'games of chance' to Australians.

However it's not policed and there has never been charges laid. The government has recently realised they messed up and the laws will most likely be changed soon and gaming regulated to ensure tax dollars stay in the country. One of the biggest companies with an interest in future online gaming is owned by PBL and James Packer (infamous whale, Kerry Packer's son and heir), who also own the Crown Casino (Aussie Millions venue) and Casinos elsewhere. With their support there's not much doubt the law will be gone within a few years and the industry regulated here.

Australia is a close ally to the USA, but when it comes to law, as a nation we are always much more likely to follow the UK's stance on these sort of issues as we are a part of the Commonwealth and our legislative process is very similar.

10-02-2006, 07:26 AM
Thanks of the statement. Keep in mind that this bill passed unanimously in the Senate and nearly unanimously in the House so there were plenty of Democrats who voted for it too.

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Not exactly true.

The bill did not pass the senate on it's own merit.

10-02-2006, 07:30 AM
i will be signing up at your site within the next week to show my support.

Ron Burgundy
10-02-2006, 07:31 AM
Very quickly, as far as we are concerned our operations are 100% legal under international law and we follow all laws of the jurisdictions in which our operations reside. There will still be plenty of places to play poker and the industry will adapt, evolve and survive.

I'd like to say something about the US legislative process and the integrity of these Republicans, but my mother always said if you can't say anything nice....

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Thanks of the statement. Keep in mind that this bill passed unanimously in the Senate and nearly unanimously in the House so there were plenty of Democrats who voted for it too.

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You're really missing the point. The Port Security bill was far more important than the IG bill. Voting against it would be political suicide for either party. That's why Frist put it on a bill that he knew would pass, because then the IG bill would never have to be debated or voted on it's own merits.

10-02-2006, 07:32 AM
what's poker.com?

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Probably the next party poker.

10-02-2006, 07:43 AM
Very quickly, as far as we are concerned our operations are 100% legal under international law and we follow all laws of the jurisdictions in which our operations reside. There will still be plenty of places to play poker and the industry will adapt, evolve and survive.

I'd like to say something about the US legislative process and the integrity of these Republicans, but my mother always said if you can't say anything nice....

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Thanks of the statement. Keep in mind that this bill passed unanimously in the Senate and nearly unanimously in the House so there were plenty of Democrats who voted for it too.

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You're really missing the point. The Port Security bill was far more important than the IG bill. Voting against it would be political suicide for either party. That's why Frist put it on a bill that he knew would pass, because then the IG bill would never have to be debated or voted on it's own merits.

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Point well taken but plenty of Democrats really have no problem with "it" either. Elections are in the fall and for arguments sake let's say the Democrats get control of Congress. Do you really think anyone will take up the cause to get this changed somehow? Very doubtful in my mind.

Looks to me like the statements from the WSEX executive are the best shot of mitigating this in that they violate WTO agreements. We'll see what happens.

10-02-2006, 07:49 AM
Point well taken but plenty of Democrats really have no problem with "it" either. Elections are in the fall and for arguments sake let's say the Democrats get control of Congress. Do you really think anyone will take up the cause to get this changed somehow? Very doubtful in my mind.

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this is just it.

if they see the people are angry at these laws and realise they could gain votes by taking the other side, then yes i believe they would take up the cause.

10-02-2006, 08:00 AM
Some of our Operations are based in Australia, but our license is in Canada and servers are in Canada/UK. So we are not regulated by the Australian government with regard to gaming operations, just company law etc for any operations based here.

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I still don't get it. How is it legal for Poker.com to accept money from US players when it is illegal for another off-shore company (PP, PS etc.) ? Are you just saying that you have the balls to go against this or Is it legal really ?

10-02-2006, 01:36 PM
Some of our Operations are based in Australia, but our license is in Canada and servers are in Canada/UK. So we are not regulated by the Australian government with regard to gaming operations, just company law etc for any operations based here.

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I still don't get it. How is it legal for Poker.com to accept money from US players when it is illegal for another off-shore company (PP, PS etc.) ? Are you just saying that you have the balls to go against this or Is it legal really ?

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Why would a company that doesn't have anything to do with US be afraid of breaking US law? And it's not illegal for them to receive money from US players either.

10-02-2006, 03:16 PM
what's poker.com?

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It's a small site where I ended 3rd in 20k freeroll and took 1.5K where my BR was 1.1K. Thank you Poker.com!

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I took 1st in a 20k freeroll there back in January for $5k!!

Sorry to 1-up you.

Software wasn't working great on my computer at the time and obviously they aren't P-Tracker compatible.

But I wouldn't be opposed to playing there more again and had already been thinking about it.

IIRC, didn't Poker.com foot the bill for some other WSOP seat-winners from some other small-site who were going to get screwed?

They seem to be a really classy group.

Synergistic Explosions
10-02-2006, 03:23 PM
Bob, when you were playing there the software was having major problems. They have upgraded several times since and theres been no problems at all. The software is pretty nice imo now.

Please don't play in the 50k freeroll if you do come back.


10-02-2006, 05:46 PM
I still don't get it. How is it legal for Poker.com to accept money from US players when it is illegal for another off-shore company (PP, PS etc.) ? Are you just saying that you have the balls to go against this or Is it legal really ?

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Basically, the way I understand it, it's kinda like aiding and abetting a criminal. Because it is illegal for anyone living in the US to place a bet online, they can be held responsible for helping an American break a law by allowing a person within the US wager on their website/system.

Anyone know exactly how this works?

just in case you were thinking it- it's not like being 18 in the US and going to another country to buy booze. In that case, you are no longer in the US under US law, you are in another country under their legal system.

10-02-2006, 06:04 PM

just in case you were thinking it- it's not like being 18 in the US and going to another country to buy booze. In that case, you are no longer in the US under US law, you are in another country under their legal system.

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Yes it is. The sites can't be punished for taking bets from US customers if it isn't illegal in that country, because they aren't breaking any laws.

However, you can.

Ron Burgundy
10-02-2006, 06:07 PM
Because it is illegal for anyone living in the US to place a bet online

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Wrong. There are some states where it's illegal to place a bet online, but the state laws have never been enforced.

10-02-2006, 10:31 PM
Poker.com is a small site offering mostly micro limits. No PT support, but OK software. You can multitable and they have resizeable windows, like Stars and Party.

They are also the site that picked up the tab to send ChecknRaise WSOP qualifiers to the tourney after CnR reneged and said it souldn't cover the tourney fees. (Believe there were 9 or 10 qualifiers, and CnR wanted to pay them the $10,000 tourney fee to them in monthly installments. No idea how that turned out.)

Something to keep in mind---today's small sites may be next month's big sites if they are willing to take US business.

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I was one of the 9, thanks again poker.com for the WSOP experiences and good to hear y'all aren't pussing out like those other sites.

10-03-2006, 09:38 AM
Did someone say poker.com?
I say <font color="red">editing out three lines of affiliate spam</font>

Shameful marketing technique?

<font color="red">Banned for affiliate spamming?
-P </font>

10-05-2006, 10:43 AM
Poker.com is a small site offering mostly micro limits. No PT support, but OK software. You can multitable and they have resizeable windows, like Stars and Party.

They are also the site that picked up the tab to send ChecknRaise WSOP qualifiers to the tourney after CnR reneged and said it souldn't cover the tourney fees. (Believe there were 9 or 10 qualifiers, and CnR wanted to pay them the $10,000 tourney fee to them in monthly installments. No idea how that turned out.)

Something to keep in mind---today's small sites may be next month's big sites if they are willing to take US business.

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I was one of the 9, thanks again poker.com for the WSOP experiences and good to hear y'all aren't pussing out like those other sites.

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I was another one of the guys helped out by Poker.com

They're a real class act, and I really hope that they get a nice chunk of all the American players looking for a home.

10-07-2006, 08:32 AM
Thanks for the kind words guys.

Mike4pokermoney, please don't discredit our brand by trying to profit from an informational thread. That's not how we like to do things - thanks.

10-07-2006, 10:30 AM
I have started playing on poker.com and really like it. No bigger games yet, but those will come.

10-14-2006, 05:46 AM
I have started playing on poker.com and really like it. No bigger games yet, but those will come.

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Sorry to bump this thread, but I've been playing here the past few days and am crazy impressed with everything, and I'm not even running well.

You guys should advertise more.

10-17-2006, 12:21 AM
poker.com...great job for not bending to another country's "port security laws." Now, about that customer service deal. I sign on as new member, join NL 6-man tournament, get to play only 3 hands because of some graphics/performance balance that I don't know about. I see my chips disappear to the blinds, and you won't refund my entry fee because I got to play some hands?? Welcome to poker.com policy.

08-26-2007, 09:17 PM
Do you have rakeback for poker.com? if so where do I go to sign up please...

08-27-2007, 01:03 AM
...there's a forum for that. Check there or Google it before digging up super old threads. :/