View Full Version : A Guess on Initial Enforcement - Super Bowl

BS Yee
10-01-2006, 06:41 PM
While there are up to 270 days to come up with some regulations, I think there is a reasonable chance that the US will want the biggest bang for their buck and attempt to cut things off just prior to the Super Bowl.

It's the biggest betting day of the year and the Bush Administration will want to get the most publicity they can out of it. While the regulation may not stick, it will have its intended effect at the biggest sports betting weekend of the year.


Nate tha\\\' Great
10-01-2006, 06:55 PM
While there are up to 270 days to come up with some regulations, I think there is a reasonable chance that the US will want the biggest bang for their buck and attempt to cut things off just prior to the Super Bowl.

It's the biggest betting day of the year and the Bush Administration will want to get the most publicity they can out of it. While the regulation may not stick, it will have its intended effect at the biggest sports betting weekend of the year.


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I think people overstate the degree to which the political incentives still apply now that the bill has been passed. Frist wants a bullet point for his 2008 primary campaign and he's gotten it. I'm not saying that the regulations won't wind up pretty tough, but I don't think that this will depend on partisan politics.

That said, in the medium-to-long term there's a bit of a tug-of-war in that the more lax the regulations are, the more likely we see future regulatory efforts to continue to clamp down on the game.

10-01-2006, 07:58 PM
Is Frist really scoring voters with this? By banning the game enjoyed by more american's than any other?

I know there's lots of anti-gamblers but in the middle of the poker boom, I dont think it's the best time to score brownie points with american's by banning their game.

10-01-2006, 08:07 PM
Is Frist really scoring voters with this? By banning the game enjoyed by more american's than any other?

I know there's lots of anti-gamblers but in the middle of the poker boom, I dont think it's the best time to score brownie points with american's by banning their game.

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He's not winning votes directly. He probably will make little reference to this in campaign stump speeches, though he will of course have a prepared talking points answer about how the bill protects children and prevents terrorists from laundering money.

The point of this legislation is so that he can greatly increase the amount of donations he gets from the big Christian Right groups. That extra money will allow him to advertise more, which will likely increase the number of voters who vote for him.

10-01-2006, 09:43 PM
I still don't get this. My family is almost all bible thumpers and they could care less about this. The same with almost everyone who's posted on here. There has to be some stronger immediate motivation/gratification for Frist than just gaining support from the religious right, who he already should have plenty of support from. What are they going to do, vote democrat? And for sure the undecided soccer moms who actually control the fate of the free world every 4 years don't give a crap about online gaming. It's just weird.