View Full Version : Neteller and Online Poker

10-01-2006, 05:39 PM
People are making a big hassle about Neteller and this Bill that just passed the House and Senate. Only one thing I see that will be affected. Neteller will not send or receive transactions from US banks. You will need to deposit or receive money using other means. It's just that simple.

10-01-2006, 06:08 PM
Neteller isn't a gambling site, though.

10-01-2006, 06:52 PM
Don't think it makes a difference. The bill is about the exchange of money not poker, Neteller is one of the financial partners of online gambling. It chokes the online gambling business at its weakest link, where all the money goes through. How many financial institutions deal with online gambling? Not many I presume. Easier to peg them than try and block IPs and such. I have not read ALL the posts around here but I feel this is basically an annoyance bill that will make it too hard to play online thus removing americans from online gambling.

1. The US doesnt like 10+ BILLION dollars of their money going out of the country every year since these places are not US based. They might say its about people putting themselves into debt but just like the Iraq war its BS. Its about our money going overseas. Its always about MONEY. Money, money, money, money. Rich politicians don't give a rats ass if Leroy is spending his $6 an hour wage on strippers, gambling, or ciggarettes. Thats what the US is about. Land of the rich, home of the "must suffer under the rich". Oil = money. Sorry for the rant, I hate Bush.

2. If they make it hard enough or scary enough then all the normal people won't play.

3. If all the normal people won't play all you will have left are sharks at the tables.

4. Why the hell do I want to play with a bunch of guys that are better than I am.

Repeat 2-4 and that ends online poker.

I think the one interesting thing that might come out of this is people will now start fighting for live poker games in their states.