View Full Version : The next step: Concentrated effort to legalize poker (Questions)

10-01-2006, 10:42 AM
It was clear to me that with over 1 million unique Americans playing on Party Poker alone this year, us as poker players failed miserably in making enough noise, the right kind of noise, and it wasn't concentrated enough.

The poker community was very divided on where to go and what to do for arguably good reasons. The PPA was too secret ("you just have to trust us"), NROG was too late to the game.

At one point, it would help our cause greatly to have one organization that we can all support and rally behind.

Before I give any money though, we need more details, more often. Regular updates on financial situation (how much is in the "war chest"; where the funds are going, etc).

Also a clear strategy mapped out. This was pathetic what went on this year. I was naive in thinking we probably had more time to organize and get better, but we did not get that chance.

I don't know if that clear choice will be presented to us in a current player or a new organization will have to step up, but we need to be able to all be on board and support something 100%.

I did not feel comfortable making a large donation anywhere and that is a shame.

There are many people here very smart on the inside baseball of DC so maybe their input can be used to establish something credible in both fact and perception.