View Full Version : Parade to defend our job

10-01-2006, 04:14 AM
There are millions of arguments to defend the game (I won't talk about it right now). The problem is that we are not heard and because of some guy's political agenda our freedom is restrained.

Why don't we choose one weekend and meet in Washington D.C. There r 70 million players in the US (Source: Poker Players Alliance), There r about 1,000 who search this forum right now. This is a LOT of people. And most of us are young, rich (not poor at least), have time and I think everybody can afford to hop on a train or a plane and go to Washington D.C. for a weekend to make a march. Kind of parade.

Well, everybody marches everywhere for every reason. Why shouldn't poker players? This will make the voice heard and it will be broadcast all over the world, because it is kind of cool, parade to defend the game. And it will work for the popularity of the game also. People gathering is very effective and makes government sick. Phone calls, talking in 2+2 and letters won't make it. Going out will. At least it has far more chance.

And we will get a chance to meet each other in person and party, play live together, etc. It is just a weekend, and it is not like changing your country of residence or citizenship which some of you seriously consider.

People legalize gay marriages, change presidents, etc. by "going out". It is VERY effective.

10-01-2006, 04:51 AM
LOL I luv this Idea!!! Could you imagine thousands of poker players siting around playing poker for real money in front of the white house, on the steps of the lincoln memorial, in front of the washinton momument and all around all the other landmarks in the area? It would be a giant protest and one hell of a poker game!!! Imagine if these idiot officials try to have us arrested and trying to gather up thousands of people it would be awesome and hell for them lol. Im totally up for this.

10-01-2006, 05:09 AM
Yeah, that is cool, but I think too much. I think it is real to make a serious case, we have mf-ing arguments: this is American National Sport, it develops such life important skills as understanding other people, controlling emotions, patience, math skills, multitasking, etc. Just a 2-3 thousand people hanging out in Washington D.C. will make a lot of difference. And it will increase popularity drastically.

The main problem is that people are "ashamed" that they make money playing poker, but f.... that. Celebrities will definitely be up for that.

And we will have chance to meet them. I don't care about that, but some people might and it could be motivation for them to hang out with us.

10-01-2006, 05:42 AM
I like the idea and would be down.

10-01-2006, 06:24 AM
As people before me said I love the idea. I only wish people were up to this sort of thing before the legislation. Either way though I love it as I will not make enemies of my allies. However, what we will need is a huge organization to sponser such a thing to ensure a large participation. Perhaps the PPA can finally be a use to the poker community. If a large organization can sponser such an event I will attend as well as will a lot of other players as well. I will attend (even if not sponsered [please pm me] by a large organization,) although a large organization would most likely perform better.

Vote anything other than republican.

10-01-2006, 07:28 AM
All we need to know is:

"How difficult (easy) it is for organized group of people to express their views in public?"

If it is not regulated, we should just set the date and place. It is so easy to communicate stuff to the people - just type in the chat box where u play!

If it has to do with restrictions, then poker players alliance, etc. could initiate it.

Could anybody pls answer the question? Thanks.

10-01-2006, 10:31 AM
million man march

10-01-2006, 10:45 AM
Dozen donk march

10-01-2006, 11:05 AM
Do it NOW, before the [censored] Bush signs it into law.

10-01-2006, 11:12 AM
Do it NOW, before the [censored] Bush signs it into law.

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10-01-2006, 11:17 AM
Do it NOW, before the [censored] Bush signs it into law.

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Assani Fisher
10-01-2006, 11:19 AM
Dozen donk march

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10-01-2006, 11:38 AM
WTF does dozen donk march mean? fu if that is some kind of insult. I am not US citizen and don't care much, just the idea for you to stop talking like babies at this forum and to defend yourself.

Actually, I will be travelling to US in couple weeks and will join u, if u guys organize something:-). With my friend. So it is +2 people.

10-01-2006, 01:41 PM
All right, so when? When does he sign it?

Eric Stoner
10-01-2006, 01:55 PM
Where was everyone when we talked about taking action, calling senators, and being proactive before the bill went in? It's amazing how many people come around after the fact.

10-01-2006, 01:58 PM
I like the idea and would be down.

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10-01-2006, 02:04 PM
This is a great idea OP. However, obv this needs to be thoroughly well planned, with the PPA and NROG involved, all the big TV names and the sites themselves. Maximum effect so the big networks can't avoid it, and our presence is heard loud and clear. A half assed attempt might be counter productive.

10-01-2006, 02:59 PM
A half assed attempt might be counter productive.

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So very true. Best thing you can do is try to push the PPA to move forward with this idea. I wouldn't hold my breath though.

10-01-2006, 03:03 PM
A half assed attempt might be counter productive.

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So very true. Best thing you can do is try to push the PPA to move forward with this idea. I wouldn't hold my breath though.

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Given that the PPA did not organize some sort of demonstration at the WSOP or the local offices of Nevada's Senators/Congressmen during the WSOP (despite the calls for such a demonstration), I'm not holding my breath either.

10-01-2006, 03:15 PM
I agree that half-assed is not gonna work. Anything.

My intention of posting this was that some poker authority (PPA representatives, celebrities, site owners, even respected posters of 2+2) might read this and think of organizing something. I, obviously, from 4,000 miles, alone, without any credibility in poker community, wouldn't be able to organize a march in the capital.

I strongly believe that so much good poker players shouldn't let some guy not only dominate their tables, but just take this tables (with cards, drinks, chips and everything else) from them. And they should not just discuss in the forums how somebody is running over them and complain about that fact to the junior assistant of senior adviser of 15th secretary of the Senator.

It imho would be great shame of US poker community if the players will not be able to defend themselves.

Well, my self-interest obviously is US fish not to go away and my cool 9.5 BB/100 not to decrease. That is why my attempt might sound half-assed.

I think US players are those who should make it full-assed. Good luck.

10-01-2006, 03:18 PM
There r 70 million players in the US (Source: Poker Players Alliance)

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It would be far more effective if all those players simply wrote a letter to the Republican Party, and copied it to all their Republican elected representatives, declaring that they not only no longer support the Party, but will actively work to replace all Republican office holders with anyone else.

It's not just about poker. The American Taliban has taken over our government and is on a mission to force their beliefs on all of us.

10-01-2006, 03:32 PM
There r 70 million players in the US (Source: Poker Players Alliance)

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It would be far more effective if all those players simply wrote a letter to the Republican Party, and copied it to all their Republican elected representatives, declaring that they not only no longer support the Party, but will actively work to replace all Republican office holders with anyone else.

It's not just about poker. The American Taliban has taken over our government and is on a mission to force their beliefs on all of us.

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Last time I looked, the state of Washington, which is about as blue as you can get, passed a much tougher law against internet gambling that includes individuals in its targets.

Anti-gambling legislation is hardly a partisan issue. If it was, you would only find casinos and state lotteries in blue states.

10-01-2006, 03:43 PM
Vote anything other than republican.

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The most intelligent post on 2+2 EVER!

10-01-2006, 04:08 PM
Last time I looked, the state of Washington, which is about as blue as you can get..

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It took multiple recounts for the Democratic candidate to be declared Governor in 2004. It was the closest gubernatorial race in US history. Other than that, it's as blue as you can get. Oh, prior to the 2004 election, the Republicans had a majority in the Washington State Senate. It's fun to say things that support your point. It's more fun when they are true.

10-01-2006, 05:00 PM
I would be game for a march, i would bring a few people with me too!

10-01-2006, 05:13 PM
To do something in DC (before elections) leaves little to no time for permits, arranging transportation, etc etc etc. Though perhaps there is something already scheduled by another group - that we could just attach ourselves to informally and perhaps get some media/public awareness going? Of course they'd hate us if we did that but...

Or, rather than meet in DC, we could set a date/time to gather at local congressional offices? Perhaps just target areas where seats are up for grabs(?), or those most inclined to help? We have to give them some sort of incentive to help us. Thusfar we've given them NONE. We are a small niche "lobby", the majority of whom aren't even registered to vote. Why should they care about us and our stupid game? They get nothing by helping us. Standing up for degenerate, liberal, satan worshiping gamblers (who don't vote for OR against them so what do they care) is -EV. We have to give them a reason to listen, (like inform their constituents that their elected reps let this hypocritical Frist serving BS pass), then maybe, just maybe they might be motivated to actually do something?

Anyone who isn't registered should take the hour it takes to do it. Then, we set up a day/time when we, all 7 million of us lol, fax proof of voter registration to every member of Congress (hey it's only 535 faxes) with "Save Your Paycheck, Save i-Gaming", (err well, something more creative than I could ever come up with) scrawled in big red letters across it. If even 100,000 of the 7 million did that I bet at least one of 'em would pay attention. Even if they ignored us, the mainstream media wouldn't, and that's who we really need to notice us if we are ever going to get anywhere with this.

10-01-2006, 05:16 PM
Anyone who isn't registered should take the hour it takes to do it.

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Far less than an hour, and for reasons far more important than online poker.

10-01-2006, 06:51 PM
It's a great idea.

10-01-2006, 07:01 PM
Instead of thinking that a march would be cool or fun are any of you considering whether or not it would have any effect whatsoever?

I believe it would not. And, in fact, I agree with the observation that it could very well be counter-productive.

10-01-2006, 07:04 PM
Why don't we choose one weekend and meet in Washington D.C. There r 70 million

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I don't think there will be enough strippers or blow if we all met at once. /images/graemlins/grin.gif

10-01-2006, 07:07 PM
I think "Save Your Paycheck" is a terrible way to go about this or anything along those lines.

10-01-2006, 07:34 PM
PPA should get PP to offer some sick $500 reload for players showing up to the march.