View Full Version : Post deleted by Mat Sklansky

09-30-2006, 08:52 PM

09-30-2006, 09:53 PM
This may or may not be a good idea, but I had a thought that poker sites could model themselves after those multiplayer online RP games (World of Warcraft, City of Heroes, etc.)

They could charge an upfront fee to create a "character" on thier site (who, of course, starts off with X chips). From there players are offered a variety of poker games at different stakes, tournaments, etc. There would be no cash-outs directly from the site, but players later could sell their accounts (price based on their characters' chipstacks) the way RP gamers do.

I don't think anyone believes City Of Heroes players are gamblers, but they're doing essentially the same thing--paying a fee to start an account, improving their account's stats, and selling it to the highest bidder.

Granted, this wouldn't be as safe as the current system for online poker, but it would probably circumvent any futher legal difficulties.

Slim Pickens
09-30-2006, 10:03 PM
We did this in CA about 100 years ago, remember? Have poker declared a "game of skill" like chess or backgammon, rather than a "game of percentages" like blackjack or roulette. There's a skill gradient the whole way through, as no game is either all luck or all skill. A blackjack player can play expertly and win, although almost none of the people who play do. A chess player can get lucky by using an opening sequence his opponent hasn't happened to have seen, but for which there is a developed strategy and counter-strategy. A craps player can lose less quickly through proper play, but can't ever beat the game without breaking it's rules. My opinion is that the line should be drawn at games that cannot be beaten (statistically speaking) by the player without cheating.

I actually support a ban on internet gambling. Although it would be impossible to enforce, I'd still like to see an effort to curtail underage and addictive gambling on random outcomes. That being said, poker ain't gambling... at least not the way I play it.

09-30-2006, 10:53 PM
It shouldn't matter. If I can give my money away to anyone, why not to a casino operator?

As far as the law, getting it recognized as a skill game couldn't hurt.

09-30-2006, 11:39 PM
I agree with the intent of this thread. This may be a bit premature. I think the dust needs to settle a bit so we can see whats left. Right now any direction we take may lead us down the wrong path. That said...ideas can't hurt. I for one am not sitting down and quiting on this one. I am more upset about being told what I can't do in my own house that is perfectly legal down at a casino.

My ideas. (which have been stated by others I suppose)

-Push for legalization of online poker in your own states. Nevada and ND have pushed bills through before. I'll say it again...if a bunch of pot smokers can legalize marajuana, I think poker players can put something together. The poker community has some very educated folks. Engineers, docters, lawyers, etc.

-Many feel cheated by our grassroots lobbying groups. Well, they are all we have atm. Support them unless something better comes along.

-Tell everyone you know about the details of this. The real facts. Mr.K, Berge20, and NatetheGreat have given you great breakdowns or links to great breakdowns of this law. You'll be suprised how many don't know about this bill and how many of those really disagree with it.

-Finally, make your voice and vote heard in 2008 elections. Make folks aware of the things Frist has done to invade your home privacy. Sure you may only change a few votes by yourself, but its amazing what a community of voices can do.

09-30-2006, 11:41 PM

09-30-2006, 11:46 PM

I actually support a ban on internet gambling. Although it would be impossible to enforce, I'd still like to see an effort to curtail underage and addictive gambling on random outcomes. That being said, poker ain't gambling... at least not the way I play it.

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ban now plz

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The idea of your thread is pretty good Degen, try to not derail it by posting this towards dissenting opinions. This poster clearly feels the difference between poker and gambling.

09-30-2006, 11:53 PM

-Push for legalization of online poker in your own states. Nevada and ND have pushed bills through before. I'll say it again...if a bunch of pot smokers can legalize marajuana, I think poker players can put something together. The poker community has some very educated folks. Engineers, docters, lawyers, etc.

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I thought this was a good idea but isn't IRS a federal entity ? That seems like who would have a problem with things. Also it seems like banks would be far more likely to obey federal laws than state laws. I think it would be best to get poker to be declared a game of skill federally, then you might begin to see a clearer line between poker sites and casino sites.

09-30-2006, 11:59 PM

-Push for legalization of online poker in your own states. Nevada and ND have pushed bills through before. I'll say it again...if a bunch of pot smokers can legalize marajuana, I think poker players can put something together. The poker community has some very educated folks. Engineers, docters, lawyers, etc.

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I thought this was a good idea but isn't IRS a federal entity ? That seems like who would have a problem with things. Also it seems like banks would be far more likely to obey federal laws than state laws. I think it would be best to get poker to be declared a game of skill federally, then you might begin to see a clearer line between poker sites and casino sites.

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It may be unfair for me to answer this. I know little of legal processes. I do know that ND has passed this bill before and backed down to Federal Gov't pressure. According to the article North Dakota Attempts to Legalize online Gaming (http://www.pokerpages.com/articles/archives/current-affairs-0011.htm) They are prepared to fight it this time.