View Full Version : we must do something

09-30-2006, 08:42 PM
only one thing we can do.....

and thats is seriously get into politics, and vote out all dems and reps who are responsible for this. this effects some of our lives greatly, and our govt has been going over the line for years... its time we stand up for ourselves.

i suggest the libertarian party, as they seem to care about our rights.

www.lp.org (http://www.lp.org)

they sure love using terrorism to screw us the american ppl.... someone needs to tell them we are more likely to die getting struck by lghtning than in a terrorist attack.

09-30-2006, 08:45 PM
Post deleted by Performify

09-30-2006, 09:13 PM
Realistically, the libertarians have no shot at winning. Democrats are not beholden to the Christian right, so are less likely to feel strongly against online poker than the GOP. Our best shot is to use a similar tactic to what Frist just used- find a congressman to insert language into an unrelated bill decriminalizing online poker. A good foothold may be decriminalizing small stakes games, i.e. 0.25/0.50, or 0.50/1.00 limit so the "click a mouse, lose your house" argument has no weight. Basically, put low stakes poker on the same level as fantasy sports.

09-30-2006, 09:19 PM
I suspect that the AGA might be open to looking at online poker, as way to make sure the B&M casinos stay full .... unless they think they have the US market sewn up now.

If the PPA is worth anything, this is the time to step up effectively.

09-30-2006, 09:56 PM
democrats arent the answer... ppl are pissed.. a 3rd party has a chance... ppl are pissed about a lot more than this... the dems are a joke, the reps are just as bad, and supporters for both arent happy. libertarians just need money and volenteers to get the word out ...t hen they have a chance.

09-30-2006, 10:26 PM
I agree that Democrats are not the perfect solution, but they seem to be far more protective of personal liberties than Republicans. All I am saying is that currently they are the lesser of two evils. If the Democratic leadership takes a stand against online poker like the GOP has, than I agree we have no other choice than a third party. However, at this time, there are many dems favorable to our side such a Barney Frank, Lautenberg, Reid, etc. If the Dems take control of the House and Senate, we may be able to get benign but favorable language regarding poker passed.
So, even if in your district, the Democratic candidate is adamantly against online poker and the Republican candidate is all for regulating online poker, I would still suggest that you vote for the Democrat. More important than any single congressman's opinion on online poker is which party controls congress. If we have any hope of overturning this debacle, we need to end Republican control of congress.

09-30-2006, 10:43 PM

democrats arent the answer... ppl are pissed.. a 3rd party has a chance... ppl are pissed about a lot more than this... the dems are a joke, the reps are just as bad, and supporters for both arent happy. libertarians just need money and volenteers to get the word out ...t hen they have a chance............................................ .................................................. .................................................. .............................. your wrong 3rd party has no chance ...u have one of two options ....vote democrat(lesser of 2 evils) or welcome to your christian totalitarian state....and this was true before the poker bill passed

09-30-2006, 10:46 PM
I submit and will continue to submit the answer is judical, and not legislative. You will find no congressman nor senator that is "pro" on line gambling. The answer my friends is found in the American with Disabilites Act which ensures equal access.

09-30-2006, 10:57 PM
I submit and will continue to submit the answer is judical, and not legislative. You will find no congressman nor senator that is "pro" on line gambling. The answer my friends is found in the American with Disabilites Act which ensures equal access.

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This argument is laughable. Sorry. Stop making it please. I know you mean well, but seriously, stop. You are confusing people who know no better and are looking for answers grounded in reality -- something that cannot be said of yours.

09-30-2006, 11:27 PM
The answer my friends is found in the American with Disabilites Act which ensures equal access.

[/ QUOTE ]

LMAO Come on, Mr. K, don't make him stop. Really. This is priceless. Please let him elaborate. LOL

09-30-2006, 11:29 PM
"If the Dems take control of the House and Senate, we may be able to get benign but favorable language regarding poker passed."

Agreed, but not all Republicans are unfavorable either.

Make a political noise, period. Raise the issue publicly.

09-30-2006, 11:33 PM
"If the Dems take control of the House and Senate, we may be able to get benign but favorable language regarding poker passed."

Agreed, but not all Republicans are unfavorable either.

Make a political noise, period. Raise the issue publicly.

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Yeah. Y'all would do well to organize and start lobbying Rep. Charlie Rangel (D-NY) in the future. Maybe. He's the guy who would control the House Ways & Means Committee (the one that writes tax laws and handles legislation that generates or costs revenues) if the Dems take over. Likewise Reps. Conyers (D-MI) and Scott (D-VA). Don't be surprised if you get nearly as cold of a reception from these guys as you do from the Republicans, though. Who knows.

09-30-2006, 11:59 PM
The problem is that a person in a wheelchair can access a B&M casino due to the ADA. However, other good legal arguments exist and will be raised.

10-01-2006, 12:30 AM
You are absolutely correct that not all Republicans are unfavorable to online poker. Unfortunately, the Religious Right is the Republican party's most loyal base, and more unfortunately, the party leadership is beholden to them. So even if an individual Republican is pro-online poker, his party has taken a strong stand against it. For this reason we would be better with a Democratic congress. The mantra that you should "vote for the person not the party" is flat out wrong in this day and age. You should pick the party whose agenda most closely matches yours and vote a strict party line.
As to political noise, this is a double edged sword. The Religious Right is organized, highly motivated, and easily mobilized. The wrong type of noise may create a backlash which makes things even worse than they are now. Ideally, we will fund a 527 to quietly work to change things. If the decision is made to go public, we need to control the language and tone of the debate. Make it about liberty rather than about gambling. Show the poor kid who was paying his way through college by playing poker and now has to drop out. Show people in pokerstars t-shirts working in a homeless shelter. But whatever is done, do not make it solely about poker, or we will never reverse this.

10-01-2006, 12:33 AM
The wire act has survived court challenges and WTO rulings. This bill, too, will survive these callenges. The best hope is with legislative change.

John Deere
10-01-2006, 12:52 AM
Amen. Vote Libertarian.

Think you'll be "throwing your vote away"? Nah... I consider it "throwing my vote away" when I vote for someone who is against almost everything I stand for, and that is what I would be doing if I voted either Republican or Democrat -- all of whom (OK, except for 2) supported this.

10-01-2006, 01:22 AM
Jesus H. Christ. Anyone saying "vote libertarian because they're all the same" is either 12 or retarded. Democrats, with all their imperfections, are not beholden to/constituted by the religious right and--were they the majority party--would not have ramrodded a bill like this through. Democrats by and large aren't in the business of making their religious beliefs everyone's law.

Anyone pushing third party candidates in times of crisis like these, and saying that it doesn't matter b/c Dems and Reps are all the same, would do well to remember 2000's Nader campaign and how much it helped to elect King Jesus Bush II.

Edited to add that, as has been repeated ad nauseum, the fact that most/all Dems signed this bill means nothing. It was a port security bill that basically everyone had to sign. Frist et al were the ones who forced the IG language into it.

10-01-2006, 01:26 AM
For God sakes people- DEMOCRAT!!!!! AHHHHH!!!!!

Get rid of the Bush dynasty. THEN get fancy with your voting. The Bush govt probably licks their chops every time they hear someone say "Vote Libertarian".

10-01-2006, 01:27 AM
From the stickied "Legislation Forum Welcome (http://forumserver.twoplustwo.com/showflat.php?Cat=0&Number=6711038)":

This is a place for discussion and information sharing regarding current legislation that deals directly with online gambling.


This is not a forum to discuss politics at great length and I will attempt to keep it as such. The politics forum was closed for a reason and I do not intend to allow such posts here. Some political discourse and strategy is fine, but debating the current issues of the day ad nauseum in circles is not what this forum is designed for.

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