View Full Version : Is there a simple solution?

09-30-2006, 01:58 PM
I play mainly for fun, but I'm as worried about this as anyone.

But, is there a simple, business-based solution for this problem? The way I see it, the problem as it stands now for gamers is that the two easiest ways of putting funds into an online account are credit cards and 3rd parties, like Netteller and Firepay. Since the majority of Firepay and Netteller's business is to do just this--put money into online accounts, they're a very easy target for US officials to stop transactions to, due to the high probability of those transactions being for gambling purposes.

However, what if a major company/bank overseas that is much more diversified stepped into this role? For instance, one of the large UK banks was to serve as a 3rd party. Since the transaction to a more diversified 3rd party could be for any number of reasons, wouldn't it be very hard for the US to limit transactions to this company?

It seems to me (if my thinking is correct) that there's an enormous potential for profit here for a 3rd party such as this that's willing to step in. Fact is, there's just too much money at stake here for everyone involved not to find a way around this. Is there a major hole in my idea, or am I missing something?

09-30-2006, 02:02 PM
Your not missing a thing.

It may end up being some bank from India or an island
somewhere instead of UK, Canada, Europe...
The more I hear they will not be blocking ISP's, the
more I realize this is just a temporary setback and the panic
is going to hurt more than the punch.

09-30-2006, 02:08 PM
I made this last night for fun, but it is representative of what I think will happen.
