View Full Version : Letter to Frist

09-30-2006, 11:00 AM
I sent this letter to this tool. I know it wont make any difference but it made me feel a little better

Dear Senator Frist
I would like to take this time to tell you what an enormous hypocrite you are. Your efforts to get the online gambling act passed displays once again just how out of touch you are with reality. I am curious Sen Frist...how many bills have you sponsored to do away with lotteries (i.e. taxes on poor people) , horse racing, bingo halls or even casinos? Is it because you believe there are fundamental differences between placing a bet on a horse and placing a bet on a sports team or is it because you power hungry, tax and spend representatives allow them because you get tax revenue from them? The answer is pretty clear
I have a Masters in Political Science so I know how the process works. You tax people as much as you can and spend the money on all "the good people of Tennessee" while every other Senator and Rep is doing the same thing for their constituents and we go further in debt. I hope your power plays allow you to sleep at night because at some point the voters of TN will hopefully wake up and send you on your way.
In any case its the same old story. The government is not getting its "rightful" piece of the internet gambling pie and you hide behind anti-gambling rhetoric. I wonder Sen Frist have you ever contemplated the differences between investing in junk bonds, mutual funds and other securities and gambling? Just because its called "investing" does not make it any less of a gamble. Any time you put money into a venture with the risk of losing it its gambling. I suggest you check Websters if you are unclear on this fact.
I truly hope you lose your job as you have certainly lost my vote. I am contemplating moving from this great country of ours because you and your cronies are ruining it for all Americans .Jefferson, Washington, Mason are turning over in their graves after witnessing the degree of hypocrisy, incompetence and indulgence shown by you and the other members of Congress. I hope you are proud of your efforts that have done nothing but weaken our liberties.
Disappointed again

09-30-2006, 11:02 AM

09-30-2006, 11:04 AM
I have a Masters in Political Science so I know how the process works.

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LOL, especially if this is true.

09-30-2006, 11:06 AM
I have a Masters in Political Science so I know how the process works.

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LOL, especially if this is true.

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It is. Totally useless degree. Damn woman messed up all my plans

09-30-2006, 11:08 AM
Save your breath.

Apparently you and your degree don't know that the TN voters (self included)can do nothing - he's not running again for the Senate and has his eyes set on the Presidency.

I warned everybody all along how evil this man is. Unfortunately, there is nothing WE really could have done.


09-30-2006, 11:14 AM
Save your breath.

Apparently you and your degree don't know that the TN voters (self included)can do nothing - he's not running again for the Senate and has his eyes set on the Presidency.

I warned everybody all along how evil this man is. Unfortunately, there is nothing WE really could have done.


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Sorry. Im politically apathetic these days. I got so disgusted with the process that I opted out rather than stay informed with all the events especially TN politics of which I no interest in at all. I know its stupid that I did that but I cannot stomach supporting any of these guys. The system corrupts the good ones and the bad ones are ...well already corrupt.
Frist wont win is my guess. Unless the Dems run someone stupid like Hillary. The anti-Bush drums are beating so loud that most Republicans are going to have an incredibly difficult time from getting swept up in the fray.

09-30-2006, 11:16 AM
these were Frist's comments from his website about the bill

“Gambling is a serious addiction that undermines the family, dashes dreams, and frays the fabric of society. Congress has grappled with this issue for 10 years, and during that time we’ve watched this shadow industry explode. For me as majority leader, the bottom line is simple: Internet gambling is illegal. Although we can’t monitor every online gambler or regulate offshore gambling, we can police the financial institutions that disregard our laws.”

09-30-2006, 11:23 AM
Although we can’t monitor every online gambler or regulate offshore gambling, we can police the financial institutions so we can take away the American peoples' liberties.”

[/ QUOTE ]

Fixed for you Dr. Frist.

09-30-2006, 11:31 AM
these were Frist's comments from his website about the bill

“Gambling is a serious addiction that undermines the family, dashes dreams, and frays the fabric of society. Congress has grappled with this issue for 10 years, and during that time we’ve watched this shadow industry explode. For me as majority leader, the bottom line is simple: Internet gambling is illegal. Although we can’t monitor every online gambler or regulate offshore gambling, we can police the financial institutions that disregard our laws.”

[/ QUOTE ]

Frist should consider that his OWN STATE legalized the lottery just 2-3 years ago.
A few months later they got Powerball also.

The local news media in Memphis (and I assume elsewhere in the state) promote the crap out of it including anchors who banter with each other, "So, have you gotten your tickets yet?"

I have personally stood behind WAY too many folks buying up 50 tickets or more at a time who clearly seemed to me to not be terribly well off and thus have better things to do with their money.

I don't know if Frist was against the lottery or not. It was passed in the state legislature and he's one of our nation's senators.
But it seems that his big problem is that 'gambling is bad and shouldn't be allowed anywhere' yet it is ALREADY LEGAL in his own state and, in fact, is run BY the state to generate income FOR the state.

I'm not keen on sending silly hate-mail that will just be ignored and stuff like that.
But I do get annoyed at the hypocricy of people like Frist.

Even REPUBLICANS who I know who would actually be likely to vote FOR Frist if he ran in 2008 are scratching their heads about why he is so freaking hyper about this issue that most pretty much feel should be a non-issue because there are more important things to worry about.

09-30-2006, 11:34 AM
Frist wont win is my guess. Unless the Dems run someone stupid like Hillary.

[/ QUOTE ]

Good lord, I had not even thought of that. I'd rather slit my own wrists that vote for Hillary Clinton, but as of last night I'd be more likely to vote Satan as President than Frist.

09-30-2006, 11:39 AM
If you guys want a shot at Frist, you're going to get your chance. He is leaving the Senate this year to run for President. This means that in 2008, he will be appearing on a ballot in the Republican primary in most states. You are free to vote for whoever is running against him. Don't worry about him running against Hillary until he wins the GOP nomination.

09-30-2006, 11:39 AM
hilary>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >frist

and man i cant stand hilary

09-30-2006, 11:43 AM
Frist wont win is my guess. Unless the Dems run someone stupid like Hillary.

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Good lord, I had not even thought of that. I'd rather slit my own wrists that vote for Hillary Clinton, but as of last night I'd be more likely to vote Satan as President than Frist.

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Satan can't run again.

09-30-2006, 11:49 AM
Frist wont win is my guess. Unless the Dems run someone stupid like Hillary.

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Good lord, I had not even thought of that. I'd rather slit my own wrists that vote for Hillary Clinton, but as of last night I'd be more likely to vote Satan as President than Frist.

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Is there a difference? I thought Satan and Frist were the same person.

09-30-2006, 12:13 PM
I don't know much about who's possibly running for the Republican presidential nomination and who the favorites are, but from what I understand, Frist doesn't have a chance in hell. He has very little respect from his party - look at how difficult it was for him to get this legislation through. He screwed up big-time in his time as majority leader. They got nothing accomplished and they're going to be losing a MAJOR amount of seats.

I don't think there's any worry of him becoming President.

Jack Bando
09-30-2006, 12:25 PM
He's not even in the top 3 of likely GOP canidates. McCain, Guiliani, Gingrich prob has a better chance.

09-30-2006, 12:44 PM
Earlier this week the Equador President responded to Chavez's comment about Bush being the devil: "That's an insult to the devil. The devil is evil, but he is also intelligent". Just substitute Frush for Bush.[ QUOTE ]
Frist wont win is my guess. Unless the Dems run someone stupid like Hillary.

[/ QUOTE ]

Good lord, I had not even thought of that. I'd rather slit my own wrists that vote for Hillary Clinton, but as of last night I'd be more likely to vote Satan as President than Frist.

[/ QUOTE ]

Is there a difference? I thought Satan and Frist were the same person.

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09-30-2006, 12:48 PM
hilary>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >frist

and man i cant stand hilary

[/ QUOTE ]
Early prediction is that Frist would have very little chance against McCain or Rudy G.

09-30-2006, 02:06 PM
hilary>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >frist

and man i cant stand hilary

[/ QUOTE ]

09-30-2006, 08:24 PM
I guess the ones that stink the least like (censored) now are the Dems. So I guess that's the way we need to vote, and hopefully they may see the advantages of regulating and taxing online gambling.

Voting for hillary is not an option though.

09-30-2006, 09:32 PM
/images/graemlins/heart.gif letter to Frist...

I wonder if Frist will use something like "Frist First!" as his Presidency campaign slogan - or something even less imaginative...

I always thought it was kind of hypocrital for gambling to get bad press and generally be regarded as an awful thing - yet on the other hand the government requires you to buy insurance in some cases.

Isn't taking out insurance effectively gambling?

09-30-2006, 09:35 PM
Dear Senator Frist. Remember you thought Terry Shiavo was warm and fuzzy when in fact she was comatosed and brain dead. Nice allin call.

09-30-2006, 09:49 PM
How about "FIST FRIST" as a rallying cry to campaign against him? (An act incidentally, that is illegal in many Southern states, yet goes on nightly in my neighborhood.)

09-30-2006, 10:01 PM
He's not even in the top 3 of likely GOP canidates. McCain, Guiliani, Gingrich prob has a better chance.

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The GOP base doesn't like McCain and most republicans probably understand that Gingrich isn't electable. Guiliani is the likely the only candidate to spoil Frist's dreams, but I'm not sure his stance on gambling.

I'm gonna cast a write-in vote for Howard Lederer.

10-01-2006, 04:11 AM
The 4 top candidates for the Repub nomination are supposedly

Frist, Allen, McCain & Guilani

Wow. You have Frist, a faux doctor and insider trader. Allen a racist, Guiliano an adulterer and McCain who probably is the worst of them all because he makes you believe he's ok until he stabs you in the back.

10-01-2006, 04:15 AM
what we all need to do is start a grassroots campaign to get a 3rd party some respect...If we can inch a 3rd party up..the dems and reps who are acutally just one big party in the end will be forced to actually work for their jobs

10-01-2006, 04:45 AM
About 20 mins before I started to read this thread I actually sent an email to Frist myself. Basically I said that this is supposed to be the land of the free and I felt like my rights were being violated as a free person. Then I told him that I heard that he was planning to run for president and that I would vote against him and tell everyone I know and post on forums to vote agaisnt him and that I hope his career would come to a screeching halt. I think everyone who is angered about this bill should email him and voice there concern and really make him feel the pressure of the people to let him know he will never be president and we dont like him.

10-01-2006, 01:52 PM
It's much more eloquent than my "EAT [censored] AND DIE" letter I wrote.

10-01-2006, 01:54 PM
I think you're imagining a difference here.

10-01-2006, 01:57 PM

10-01-2006, 02:00 PM
these were Frist's comments from his website about the bill

“Gambling is a serious addiction that undermines the family, dashes dreams, and frays the fabric of society. Congress has grappled with this issue for 10 years, and during that time we’ve watched this shadow industry explode. For me as majority leader, the bottom line is simple: Internet gambling is illegal. Although we can’t monitor every online gambler or regulate offshore gambling, we can police the financial institutions that disregard our laws.”

[/ QUOTE ]

Dear Mr. Frist,

I have a hemmeroid and his name is you.

10-01-2006, 02:01 PM
3 to 1 Frist is a fish online and thinks all the sites are fixed.

10-01-2006, 02:02 PM
I heard Satan has a good medicare program.