View Full Version : sklansky at fatburgers!

09-19-2006, 01:30 PM
after i busted out of the 560$ nlhe event at the borgata last nite i go down to fatburgers in the food court about midnight or so to eat some greasy food and sulk, and david sklansky walks up to order. i congratulated him for his finish in the main event and shook his hand. i had a lot of questions i wanted to ask, but i left it at that cuz i didnt want to be an annoying fan type dude. then they lost my order and i proceeded to wait 15 more min for a greasy burger and some cold fries. i hope ur food was better than mine mr sklansky and congrats on ur tourn finish.

09-19-2006, 02:31 PM
The Borgata main event is still going on. The final table starts today.