View Full Version : 2007 TOC

Blair Rodman
08-25-2006, 11:31 AM
Anybody know if there has been any announcement about the TOC next year. I see a circuit schedule, but nothing about the TOC or qualifying requirements.

08-25-2006, 02:29 PM
You need to win 3 circuit events, and be a big name pro. Also, you need to wear Harrah's branded apparel at every tournament, and sing their praises on a national media source. LOL

08-25-2006, 02:32 PM
I haven't heard anything about it, but I assumed that the WSOP Main event entry for the winner of the circuit events was a substitute for the ToC entry. The Main Event entry is worth a lot less than a ToC entry, but with the lower buy-in for the Circuit events and the lack of TV coverage, I guess this makes sense.

08-25-2006, 04:38 PM
Anybody know if there has been any announcement about the TOC next year. I see a circuit schedule, but nothing about the TOC or qualifying requirements.

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Harrah's has put the TOC on indefinite hiatus while it evaluates the future of the TOC.

Also note that Harrah's did NOT have a TV contract for the 2007 WSOP Circuit events as of July.

The new TV contact between Harrah's and ESPN, which covered the 2006-2010 WSOP 7-week summer tournament series, does NOT include any other WSOP-branded event, including any of the WSOP Circuit events.

You really, really need to read the poker business news articles I write, as those articlea are chock full of information that I consider to be essential knowledge for anyone who plays televised poker.

I consider anyone who plays televised poker events to be more like an ENTERTAINMENT TALENT rather than a poker player.

There are a lot of things that poker players/entertainment talent need to learn about the way the entertainment industry operates.

08-25-2006, 05:20 PM

You really, really need to read the poker business news articles I write, as those articlea are chock full of information that I consider to be essential knowledge for anyone who plays televised poker.

I consider anyone who plays televised poker events to be more like an ENTERTAINMENT TALENT rather than a poker player.

There are a lot of things that poker players/entertainment talent need to learn about the way the entertainment industry operates.

[/ QUOTE ]


I checked out your link, and then searched for articles you wrote. There are a whole bunch, and I went back and skimmed the ones from the last few months, but the only one I found that had anything to do with what you just wrote was one about several big name pros suing WPT. Can you link a few more articles that people planning on playing televised tournaments should read? Thanks.

08-25-2006, 05:29 PM
You need to win 3 circuit events, and be a big name pro. Also, you need to wear Harrah's branded apparel at every tournament, and sing their praises on a national media source. LOL

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Watch the Harrah's bashing. I appreciate you participating here but bashing Harrah's has become an unneeded staple of your posts.

08-27-2006, 11:13 AM
You need to win 3 circuit events, and be a big name pro. Also, you need to wear Harrah's branded apparel at every tournament, and sing their praises on a national media source. LOL

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Watch the Harrah's bashing. I appreciate you participating here but bashing Harrah's has become an unneeded staple of your posts.

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justin - i just got a chill reading that.

please tell me i wasnt wrong about forums such as these being the last and only public mass medium where being candid, genuine, and interesting is fostered and encouraged.

are you or the site affiliated with harrah's?
why do you care how much JG bashes them?

why do people on this site, moderators included, feel the need to curb interesting people who decide to post on 2+2?

this site is certainly much more interesting since u guys got rid of paul phillips /images/graemlins/frown.gif

08-27-2006, 11:55 AM
You need to win 3 circuit events, and be a big name pro. Also, you need to wear Harrah's branded apparel at every tournament, and sing their praises on a national media source. LOL

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Watch the Harrah's bashing. I appreciate you participating here but bashing Harrah's has become an unneeded staple of your posts.

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oh god...please tell me this is a joke.....Harrah isn't a poster here, is he??

08-27-2006, 02:36 PM
No the site nor myself have any affiliation with Harrah's and I dont have a problem calling out companies, however, when you make it a point to mention anything in a negative light in every post you make I become weary.

Nick B.
08-27-2006, 03:25 PM
You need to win 3 circuit events, and be a big name pro. Also, you need to wear Harrah's branded apparel at every tournament, and sing their praises on a national media source. LOL

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Watch the Harrah's bashing. I appreciate you participating here but bashing Harrah's has become an unneeded staple of your posts.

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LOL, this is hilarious. If only John was posting a way to steal from Harrah's, it would have definitely gotten your approval since they are a big bad corporation like ESPN.

08-27-2006, 03:37 PM
You need to win 3 circuit events, and be a big name pro. Also, you need to wear Harrah's branded apparel at every tournament, and sing their praises on a national media source. LOL

[/ QUOTE ]
Watch the Harrah's bashing. I appreciate you participating here but bashing Harrah's has become an unneeded staple of your posts.

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LOL, this is hilarious. If only John was posting a way to steal from Harrah's, it would have definitely gotten your approval since they are a big bad corporation like ESPN.

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A nice contribution to the forum as always Nick.

08-27-2006, 11:48 PM
this site is certainly much more interesting since u guys got rid of paul phillips /images/graemlins/frown.gif

[/ QUOTE ] you did mean much less, right?

08-27-2006, 11:56 PM
does this mean i can't play in it next year

08-28-2006, 01:22 AM
does this mean i can't play in it next year

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life's rough sometimes

08-28-2006, 01:31 AM
does this mean i can't play in it next year

[/ QUOTE ]

life's rough sometimes

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i run so bad at life

08-28-2006, 11:59 AM
You need to win 3 circuit events, and be a big name pro. Also, you need to wear Harrah's branded apparel at every tournament, and sing their praises on a national media source. LOL

[/ QUOTE ]
Watch the Harrah's bashing. I appreciate you participating here but bashing Harrah's has become an unneeded staple of your posts.

[/ QUOTE ]

You are a total Joke,

08-28-2006, 12:10 PM
You need to win 3 circuit events, and be a big name pro. Also, you need to wear Harrah's branded apparel at every tournament, and sing their praises on a national media source. LOL

[/ QUOTE ]
Watch the Harrah's bashing. I appreciate you participating here but bashing Harrah's has become an unneeded staple of your posts.

[/ QUOTE ]

You are a total Joke,

[/ QUOTE ]

i like how on a pretty much daily basis at this point, someone does something in all seriousness that i would do were i mocking them.


08-28-2006, 12:16 PM
You need to win 3 circuit events, and be a big name pro. Also, you need to wear Harrah's branded apparel at every tournament, and sing their praises on a national media source. LOL

[/ QUOTE ]
Watch the Harrah's bashing. I appreciate you participating here but bashing Harrah's has become an unneeded staple of your posts.

[/ QUOTE ]

You are a total Joke,

[/ QUOTE ]

i like how on a pretty much daily basis at this point, someone does something in all seriousness that i would do were i mocking them.


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Wow, I am not sure I understand your post.

I just read the whole thread and cannot believe that you would be scorned for posting, a few negative remarks about Harrah's entertainment.

08-28-2006, 01:23 PM
You need to win 3 circuit events, and be a big name pro. Also, you need to wear Harrah's branded apparel at every tournament, and sing their praises on a national media source. LOL

[/ QUOTE ]
Watch the Harrah's bashing. I appreciate you participating here but bashing Harrah's has become an unneeded staple of your posts.

[/ QUOTE ]

You are a total Joke,

[/ QUOTE ]

i like how on a pretty much daily basis at this point, someone does something in all seriousness that i would do were i mocking them.


[/ QUOTE ]

Wow, I am not sure I understand your post.

I just read the whole thread and cannot believe that you would be scorned for posting, a few negative remarks about Harrah's entertainment.

[/ QUOTE ]

heres a hint: i wasnt talking about you before.


08-28-2006, 01:54 PM
I've been a part of forums on certain internet sites. I've seen the person that started one, invested countless hours and dollars into them get bashed like he was a nothing.

I always wondered why he put up with that crap. I told him more than once that if I ran that site I'd be banning left and right. He just said he liked to give the people freedom to say about anything they want.

While I don't totally agree to that I have seen banning of people, for what I considered speaking their mind in a mature manner.

I've seen so many threads locked IMHO for no good reasons. There are many that do cross the line though. I guess it's all a matter of the opinion of the mods that are around. I guess just because I think a certain way that doesn't mean it's correct.

I do wish people would chill a little on the modding.

Mr. Grooms has always been very nice (to me) and appears to be informative to others. If he's going a tad overboard on his dislike for certain corporations can't we as participants of 2+2 make our decisions whether we read or don't read his posts?

Jurollo, Believe it or not sir/maam I'm really not speaking about you or any particular mod in general. I'm just hoping we can all speak our mind as long as we remain mature about the matter.

Now if there was a ex-wife section on 2+2 I'm pretty sure I'd get banned in record time /images/graemlins/smile.gif

08-28-2006, 02:08 PM
This post had nothing to do with why I said anything and yet people jump all over my [censored] for it. I have spoken with Johnny privately and he understands why I said something as well. It wasnt to do with one post but rather a trend that I wanted to nip in the bud.

08-28-2006, 02:13 PM
Good reply,

My problem is that, Jurollo just really came off as power tripping.

Who could possibly be offended by his Harrah's remarks? No need to ask him to stop.

08-28-2006, 02:15 PM
This post had nothing to do with why I said anything and yet people jump all over my [censored] for it. I have spoken with Johnny privately and he understands why I said something as well. It wasnt to do with one post but rather a trend that I wanted to nip in the bud.

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Sounds fair to me. But your response to JG appears (to me anyway) as if he'd said something offensive in that post. Sorry bout that. Hopefully I didn't come off like a jerk. I was just trying to give my opinion.

08-28-2006, 02:19 PM
This post had nothing to do with why I said anything and yet people jump all over my [censored] for it. I have spoken with Johnny privately and he understands why I said something as well. It wasnt to do with one post but rather a trend that I wanted to nip in the bud.

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Well sharing that information would be key. I mean you made a post that only you and one other might understand then get mad at us for questioning the motive?

08-28-2006, 03:38 PM
" I have spoken with Johnny privately and..."
Maybe that would be the best way to handle it next time? /images/graemlins/ooo.gif

08-28-2006, 03:38 PM
For god's sake people, all Jurollo did was warn someone that he was on the verge of becoming an annoying one trick pony nutjob who inserts his criticism into everything.

If I had a burr up my butt about Matusow's drug conviction and inserted it into every damn conversation it would be totally inappropriate. It's a legitimate criticism. In some contexts it's appropriate for discussion. If I mention it in every thread where Matusow is mentioned it goes over the line into nutjobness which is what Jurollo was trying to avoid here.

08-28-2006, 04:01 PM
For god's sake people, all Jurollo did was warn someone that he was on the verge of becoming an annoying one trick pony nutjob who inserts his criticism into everything.

If I had a burr up my butt about Matusow's drug conviction and inserted it into every damn conversation it would be totally inappropriate. It's a legitimate criticism. In some contexts it's appropriate for discussion. If I mention it in every thread where Matusow is mentioned it goes over the line into nutjobness which is what Jurollo was trying to avoid here.

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Who is Jurollo to determine what, posters want to read and don't want to read. Eventually all one trick pony's get ignored or people will let them know.

It isn't a mod's job to influence what people post. If the poster abides by the posting guidelines. he should have nothing to say ''warning'' wise. He is allowed to say stop being a 1 trick pony or something along those lines.

His choice of words was power-trippy and harsh.

Freedom of expression should be allowed, especially since the poster breaks no rules.

08-28-2006, 04:15 PM
Well it is my job to keep the forums clean. If someone made it a point to pop into every thread about "Person A" and defame them then it is a problem. While it does have some context it still isnt kosher. Did JG do this? Somewhat. I know he got a raw deal by Harrah's and likely know the back story better than most even in this thread, however, I am, if nothing else, protecting his reputation here as he is fairly new here. I obviously didnt mean to come off "power trippy."

08-28-2006, 04:27 PM
Well it is my job to keep the forums clean. If someone made it a point to pop into every thread about "Person A" and defame them then it is a problem. While it does have some context it still isnt kosher. Did JG do this? Somewhat. I know he got a raw deal by Harrah's and likely know the back story better than most even in this thread, however, I am, if nothing else, protecting his reputation here as he is fairly new here. I obviously didnt mean to come off "power trippy."

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Why would you feel the need to protect him? if he wants to be a ''one Trick pony'' poster that's his problem.

He is simply stating his feelings about Harrah's.

For most people we would likely want to know about his raw deal with Harrah's, I mean many might want to play a WSOP event or tourney in a Harrah's casino. if they wronged someone it's his job to let people know.

It wasn't like it was out of context. It was a thread involving Harras. It is also a lot less defaming, then evertime someone talks about Matusow, its always about his big mouth or drug addiction. Are we to ask all posters from pointing our what we already know?.

It's no one's job to publicly deter (sp) someone from posting thier feelings. If he gets repetative that's for others to ignore or let him know.

He didn't break any forum rules. How is this keeping the forum clean? because his constant Harrah's bashing bothers you?

There are new lurkers everyday, I know nothing of his rolling from harrah's but would like to know.

08-28-2006, 04:31 PM
You arent getting my point. Posting your feelings is great, posting the same feeling over and over again in every thread you can find about the issue isnt fine and that is what happened here. Case closed. I wont speak anymore about this.

08-28-2006, 05:01 PM
Case closed. I wont speak anymore about this.

[/ QUOTE ]

The Great and Powerful Oz has spoken.

Oh, and pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.

08-28-2006, 09:06 PM
this site is certainly much more interesting since u guys got rid of paul phillips /images/graemlins/frown.gif

[/ QUOTE ] you did mean much less, right?

[/ QUOTE ]

yes, i was being sarcastic.

justin claims that johnny was putting a harrah's jab into every post he made.
i went and read every post JG ever made, and this simply isnt close to being true. [yes, i get bored at work, and there were only 34 of them.]

justin may actually be getting the message that the mods need to chill a bit, but damned if he's gonna actually announce that he realizes he made a mistake.

mods just need to remember that it is in fact possible for a job to exist that actually doesnt require very much action. the problem arises when mods start to feel like they're not modding enough and thus are not earning their title.

08-28-2006, 09:44 PM
Yeah Justin's usually (like 99.9% of the time) a really awesome mod, but he has done just a few bizarre things recently(example: deleting any posts in MTT about a Titan Poker tourney with an overlay to protect that overlay for him and his friends) that people have called him on, and has been pretty slow to own up to these mistakes until several dozen people call him on it.

I imagine he'll be back tomorrow to acknowledge his bad judgment in this thread...no one's perfect.

08-29-2006, 01:28 AM
Why is this forum still open?

08-29-2006, 02:49 AM
Geez Johnny, you sound a little bitter.