View Full Version : Andy Bloch on Rounders the Poker Show tonite

08-20-2006, 06:57 PM
We have the Full Tilt pro on to talk about his second place finish in the $50K Horse event, as well as general stuff about the lawsuit.

As always, you can listen to the show live here (http://www.team1040.ca) from 11pm to midnight PST, or archived at my site early next week.

Any questions you would like to hear Andy addess? I don't think he can talk about specific issues regarding the lawsuit, but will probably talk in general terms about it.


Vee Quiva
08-21-2006, 03:26 PM
Ask him if he thinks all the casinos will eventually go to the continuous shuffle machines for black jack. It makes card counting worthless.

Or does he think the casinos will eventually encourage card counters so black jack becomes popular again. I would think if they encouraged it, lots of amateurs would buy the books, and come to Vegas to try it, only to learn that they suck at counting cards.

08-21-2006, 05:26 PM
The show was last night, Vee Quiva. They did touch on the topic of continuous shuffle machines. The show should be available as a podcast or at the bigpoker.ca website within a few days.