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08-06-2006, 08:35 PM
I know you guys are down on their reloads now that they changed their terms but I am wondering if they get pissed if you reload every time they have a reload promotion.

I dont want a bodog type situation where they say the reloads are for losing players only.

08-06-2006, 09:02 PM
Dude....Do you have any idea how bad their reloads are? I am pissed that you play them. And without rakeback....I just wanna cry or slap ya or something....

Simply put, CDpoker support sucks, but if anything I am sure they are thrilled to have 1 person who loves their reloads and plays alot. They make so much money from you when clearing the bonuses its not even funny cause the bonus sucks so bad. Bodog's bonus on the other hands is sweet, Hence they gotta watchout for exploitation.

CDpoker is the devil...at least go elsewhere on the network.. If they don't like an e-mail support question they simply ignore your e-mail....