View Full Version : Gamesgifts Question

Dave Coulier
08-06-2006, 06:26 PM
Has anyone else been having problems getting them to credit you for promotions done thru their site. Ive been waiting over a month on a 32red promo and they keep telling me their waiting for a report from 32red.

When I first started there, they credited my account within a week on my promos, now its taking up to a month and still no credit.

08-06-2006, 07:00 PM
I'm in the same situation as you. The first site I signed up for, I got credited immediatly but I still haven't recieve my $20 giftcard. I then went on to sign up for a second site and have not been credited at all. They suck and should probably be blacklisted. I've dealt with PSO, boogster, and ecasinodeals and have never had such a negative experience as I do with Gamesgifts. If your reading this Gamesgifts, GET YOUR ACT TOGETHER!

08-06-2006, 09:27 PM
not liking the sounds of this ...

08-06-2006, 09:49 PM
My friend completed his first offer over 2 weeks ago and they still have not credited it.

I have been hearing more and more bad things about this site.


08-06-2006, 10:06 PM
it seemed sketchy to me that they wanted you to register wtih their site before you could see what they offered and what sites they covered....

08-06-2006, 10:13 PM
I'd be interested in hearing if anyone has had a positive experience with gamesgift but it seems from the few replys that no one has.

08-06-2006, 10:30 PM
I'd be interested in hearing if anyone has had a positive experience with gamesgift but it seems from the few replys that no one has.

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No, I remember someone vouching for them on here. Can't remember who (i.e. for credibility)

08-06-2006, 10:42 PM
I can vouch for them. They are totally reputable and I've gotten a few gifts from them (as have many of the people I've referred - my brother got the $1,000 gift card, I got an XBox360 and some $250 gift cards, etc).

They have definitely been slow the last couple of weeks though in crediting and responding. Not sure what's up, but its much different from my past experiences.

08-06-2006, 11:16 PM
GamesGifts and the AllThis4Free.com network is reputable enough, but the owner/operator goes on long vacations without telling anyone and fails to update the credits in a timely fashion during those periods.

I'm waiting on a bunch of credits, but he's given me credit for a few places already. Remember that a lot of the older sites don't send weekly reports, meaning that you might have to wait a month (even if he says 5-10 days).

08-07-2006, 03:01 AM
From the News section at GG:

"Crediting updates
We’re working on getting our credits up to date: the site has grown by a lot recently, but rest assured we’re working on crediting everyone and getting all gifts out. We’re working to improve credit times going forward, and also adding new sponsors this coming week. Thanks! "

All you whores have overwhelmed them. Give them a little time to get everything cleared up and you should be back in business.

08-07-2006, 03:16 AM
it seemed sketchy to me that they wanted you to register wtih their site before you could see what they offered and what sites they covered....

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I was wondering if anyone had a list of sites they do cover before I go ahead and do this.

08-07-2006, 03:48 AM
They just credited me with 2 points tonight so it seems they're slow but on the ball.

08-07-2006, 07:24 AM
it seemed sketchy to me that they wanted you to register wtih their site before you could see what they offered and what sites they covered....

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I was wondering if anyone had a list of sites they do cover before I go ahead and do this.

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It costs nothing and obligates you to nothing to sign up and look. And I'd happily refer you.

08-07-2006, 07:47 AM
It costs nothing and obligates you to nothing to sign up and look.

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Maybe so, but why not just show the deals on offer? Havng said that pokersavvy is similar.

I've had successful dealings with PSO and ecasinodeals and would be happy to recommend both.

08-07-2006, 08:34 AM

Maybe so, but why not just show the deals on offer? Havng said that pokersavvy is similar.

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08-07-2006, 10:12 AM
im still waiting on 3 points to clear since June 14th, im done with the site once my gift comes in.

08-07-2006, 10:52 AM
I created my account on July 29th. I finished Be the Dealer on the 29th and Kiwi a few days later. I got credit for Be the Dealer a few days ago and for Kiwi last night. They emailed me to inform me that my GC for my first promo would be sent out today. So far, so good for me. Hope I didn't just jinx myself.

On a separate note, any tried the bingo sites on there yet?

08-07-2006, 01:30 PM
I have been creditted with 2 sign up and a referral promptly.

My brother (who was my referral) had no problem being creditted with the sign up offer, and his first point later on. He entered some wrong info on his next credit request so that was held up.

Replies to their tickets have been quick.


08-07-2006, 03:39 PM
I've been having problems recieving credits as well. Does anyone know how long it takes for an ipod to ship once the order has been placed?

08-07-2006, 04:04 PM
On a separate note, any tried the bingo sites on there yet?

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Just Jet Bingo. It was kinda fun! One two pots for around $40 each.

08-07-2006, 04:08 PM

On a separate note, any tried the bingo sites on there yet?

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I've done nearly all of the bingos (though it now looks like they just added Geisha Bingo, which I havent done). They are very easy to clear and can be run in the background while you do other things on autoplay. Just be careful since most of them have a minimum $50 cashout, so if you have less than $50 in your account, its time to gambool and try to win a pot by buying more cards. Someone suggested depositing enough to get over $50 then withdrawing, but I dont know if that will work. If you have more specific questions, drop me a PM.

08-07-2006, 04:11 PM

Maybe so, but why not just show the deals on offer? Havng said that pokersavvy is similar.

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Pokersavvy is similar, but GamesGifts has a better selection of casinos, as well as bingos. Also, I think many of GG's poker offers are easier to clear than PokerSavvy's.

08-07-2006, 05:47 PM
What are the cashout restrictions if any on the bingo sites?

08-07-2006, 06:16 PM
I am going to sign up my friend on Paradise, and just play the hands for him so I can get my final credit needed for an ipod. I can knock out 700 raked hands in a few hours.

08-07-2006, 08:32 PM
I am going to sign up my friend on Paradise, and just play the hands for him so I can get my final credit needed for an ipod. I can knock out 700 raked hands in a few hours.

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This should be fun...

08-07-2006, 10:58 PM
What are the cashout restrictions if any on the bingo sites?

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Read my post two above yours. I think most of the minimum withdrawal amounts are $50, so when you deposit, you should probably deposit more than $50. That way if you run bad, you will still be able to withdraw. I ran OK on the bingos and ended up above $50 on a couple of them and the ones I was below $50, I played a bunch of cards until I got up over $50 and was able to withdraw.

08-08-2006, 08:21 AM

Maybe so, but why not just show the deals on offer? Havng said that pokersavvy is similar.

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Pokersavvy is similar, but GamesGifts has a better selection of casinos, as well as bingos. Also, I think many of GG's poker offers are easier to clear than PokerSavvy's.

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By similar, I meant you have to sign up beforee you see the full details of the offers. Personally, I don't think either of them are up to much. Stick with BW, ITH, PSO, ecasinodeals and pokerlistings.

08-09-2006, 11:35 AM

They have definitely been slow the last couple of weeks though in crediting and responding. Not sure what's up, but its much different from my past experiences.

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I should note that they have been decent at responding to support tickets. I'm not in panic mode (yet), as it is around a week or so since the majority of my credit requests, but still am awaiting on the $250 gift card to clear (and then prolly another week to get it sent)

08-09-2006, 12:05 PM
They are good about answering support tickets, but I'm starting to get frustrated with all the delays.

I have completed 7 offers so far, which is enough for the introductory offer $20 gift card, an Ipod Nano, a $250 gift card, and a bonus $40 gift card for one of the sites that had a special for the month. So far, only three have been credited and I have not received anything.

Some of the ones that have not been credited were completed as early as July 22 (meaning more than the 5 to 10 business days period has passed). I have not yet gotten my introductory $20 gift card or Ipod Nano, both of which have been earned even with only being credited 3 offers.

08-09-2006, 04:31 PM
I've been waiting about a month for them to credit my first point (which was Intercasino), still nothing yet, however they have responded to every email I've sent them. Although each email tells me it should be this week hopefully, which gets old after the 3rd time, Lol. Sounds like they can't keep up with demand and need to either work more or hire some help, because this will only give them a bad name. I've been holding off on signing up for anymore offers through them until I get credit for the 1st one (and get my $20 GC).

08-09-2006, 04:41 PM
I just joined this site. I did bethedealer casino, and was credited within a week. I got an email asking if I would like Paypal or Amazon for my $20 reward. That was 5 days ago and I have not got a thing.

I really hate sites like this. They have some great deals and I would probley complete every offer they have. I just have to see if they pay, and if they do so in less than 2 months time.

Are there any sites like this (PSO I love u) that work quickly? So far AT4F and Gamesgifts are ungodly slow. I have been payed for AT4F one, but stoped because they didn't credit my 4th referal. Been around 2 months now.

08-09-2006, 09:09 PM
FYI, this was in their News section for today...


August 9, 2006
Upgraded Crediting System — Live!

After working with our sponsors, we have a new crediting system that will greatly improve times before posting credits (now, we will aim to post most credits within a few days, some may take a bit longer). Look for improved credit times going forward, as well as many other improvements to our software. Thanks!

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08-09-2006, 09:21 PM
This means nothing until they actually catch up with the what is probably long list of requests thatare back logged. I have three requests dating as far back as three weeks. I get the same 'we are working on it' replies everytime I copntact support. I don't see how difficult of a process it can be.

08-09-2006, 09:31 PM
These guys are theoretically reputable, but they shouldn't say 5-10 days if it's going to take more than 3 weeks. I've eclipsed the 14 day mark on a six offers and I've only gotten credit for two of them.

08-09-2006, 09:46 PM
It wouldn't be so bad if they told me it was gonna take this long. I've dealt with contractors who are more punctual than this.

08-09-2006, 10:49 PM
These guys are theoretically reputable, but they shouldn't say 5-10 days if it's going to take more than 3 weeks. I've eclipsed the 14 day mark on a six offers and I've only gotten credit for two of them.

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I'm in the same position, 6 offers and only 2 credited so far. Hopefully they will credit the other 4 soon, so I have renewed confidence in them and whore more through them (going for 14 points)

08-10-2006, 03:53 AM
In their news for today

Upgraded Crediting System — Live!

After working with our sponsors, we have a new crediting system that will greatly improve times before posting credits (now, we will aim to post most credits within a few days, some may take a bit longer). Look for improved credit times going forward, as well as many other improvements to our software. Thanks!

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08-12-2006, 12:03 AM

So, I actually get credited for some gift cards. I contact them to request the gift card, and include my Paypal address in my e-mail. Next day, I find I have been sent an Amazon gift card? WTF?

08-12-2006, 09:46 AM
All good for me so far. I cleared my first site with them very early on 8/8 and got my Amazon card on the morning of 8/11.

08-12-2006, 10:43 AM
a couple days ago, I got an email from them stating they've been working on my request (that was sent in weeks ago) for a while, could I confirm the dates of my deposits. So I did that 2 days ago, and still nothing. Very frustrating.

08-12-2006, 08:34 PM
I am also considering doing some of the Gamesgifts promotions but this thread made me think about it again. Please do inform us when if and when you finally get your gifts credited. I appreciate fast processing times, so if its too much on the slow side, I will probably skip it.

08-12-2006, 09:01 PM
I am also considering doing some of the Gamesgifts promotions but this thread made me think about it again. Please do inform us when if and when you finally get your gifts credited. I appreciate fast processing times, so if its too much on the slow side, I will probably skip it.

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Skip it and go through.....

-EV not to get an extra bonus when one is offered. Who cares if it takes a bit, later is better then never.


08-13-2006, 10:31 AM
I got an email on Friday saying that my Ipod Nano and Amazon giftcards had been shipped. I'm still waiting for some of my sites to be credited, but as long as the promised shipment arrives I'll at least know I'm ok and won't mind the delays.

08-13-2006, 04:15 PM
I just started the Sports Interaction promo. Can we clear this in the casino instead of the sportsbook? I deposited my $200 in the sportsbook and got a $20 bonus that I can't transfer to the casino. I chatted with support and they said there wasn't a WR if I withdrawal from the casino since I don't have a bonus there. Just wondering if this sounds right and if anyone else has done the promo.

08-14-2006, 01:24 PM
I just started the Sports Interaction promo. Can we clear this in the casino instead of the sportsbook? I deposited my $200 in the sportsbook and got a $20 bonus that I can't transfer to the casino. I chatted with support and they said there wasn't a WR if I withdrawal from the casino since I don't have a bonus there. Just wondering if this sounds right and if anyone else has done the promo.

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Yes, you can do the casino. You will have to transfer your deposit from the Sportsbook to the casino (at least I did). Apparently, the cashout is quicker if you transfer BACK to the Sportsbook before withdrawing (something I forgot to do /images/graemlins/confused.gif)

08-14-2006, 05:40 PM
I'm still waiting for about 6 points and it's been 3 weeks for some of theem. These guys take the mick.

08-16-2006, 08:36 AM
I've been one of those on this thread complaining about GamesGifts not crediting points and I was starting to doubt their credibility. However, my doubts are now gone as my shiny new Ipod Nano just arrived last night.

They may be a bit slow in crediting points (I still have some from almost a month ago that haven't been credited), but they have pretty good gifts and I can vouch for the fact that they send them out.

08-16-2006, 08:38 AM
. . . and I will workout a kickback deal with anyone who wants a referral to gamesgifts.

08-17-2006, 10:14 AM
I did my initial sign up there in May and have yet to receive my initial $20.00 giftcard. Which I think was at $25.00 when I signed up, but didn't get a screenshot. Or write down, so I'm not exactly sure. I would be happy with just the $20.oo though now.

Sports Interaction, initially submitted on June 24. Still no credit. This was also an offer of the month at the time, for an additional $75.00 giftcard. - never recieved, never credited, and glossed over by them, in my last two rounds of emails with them. they changed the amounts on this giftcard offer numerous times on the site updates. Same as the sign-up GC above though now, I would happily accept the token $20.00 for it, from them now.

Their email responses were quick. But promises of next week. A month later and another round of emails - same response, next week. I am a patient person. But WTF. Just gimme my stuff, please.

I would sign up through everything with them, and wait patiently for it. But, feel as though I have to take screen shots and fight with them for everything, and then the the casinoes I signed up through them too. - Not worth it, I have ceased dealing with them. until they deliver on at least one the products I am owed.

I've been on vacation and out of it for awhile , then I saw this thread and it reminded me. Add to the list of things to do - Fight with GG for what they owe you too.

Before vacation there was another thread on this this topic , and alot of the posters did not say poor things about them. I personally did not comment, because I wanted to give them the benefit of doubt. - And think positive about my Ipod.

Since my initial sign up with them at the beginning of May I have received nothing but Jack Sh!t Nada from them. And eventually I will have to start the fourth round of emails to try and get my account squared away with them.

I personally go elsewhere for my signups now. And I have looked at other affiliate offers recently that seem much, much better, less hassle, and have a more reliable reputation.

Damn I want that Ipod. But, what a hassle it is dealing with these guys.
