View Full Version : Table luck or lack there of the draw

07-24-2006, 04:56 PM
Last year I got stuck on what had to be the worst possible table ever for day 1 as the room was down to under 850 players out of over 1700 and we only had one bust out/reseat.

We essentially just swapped pots to eachother as we had 7 tighties and 3 of us playing for pots. So the three of us stole blinds then would give it back when a tighty hit a hand.

It got so bad that two of the pro's sitting on my table, Ben Roberts and Patrick Callahan and I started trying to bribe the floormen to get moved to any other table. We were on table 25 so we knew there was no way in hell we were getting broken up as we were only playing down to about 650.

Here's to hoping that this year I get to taste some of the action brought by internet winners, even if that is what I am myself /images/graemlins/smirk.gif

07-24-2006, 09:39 PM
Locked. Post in one of the other main event threads.