View Full Version : Another Event #27 trip report (longer than I thought)

07-21-2006, 05:32 PM
I saw a couple on here so I decided to do one as well. I'll try to keep this short.

My buddy and I decide many months ago after he won a tourney in Reno that we wanted to play in one of the WSOP tourney's. I suggested 1,000 and he wanted 1,500. Since I was cut in on some of his winnings we went with 1,500. Checked into the Rio Monday night and was ready go at Tuesday.

A little back ground seems in order so here it is. I'm dead freakin' money. I've been playing online for about 5 years or so and I'm profitable. My dollars per hour rate was about 10 bucks per hour. I haven't kept track for the last year or so. I don't really do a whole lot of multi's and stick to SNG or 100NL. I have a tendancy to pay someone off when I know I'm beat and I'm on the conservative side.

So, back to the tourney. I read in a magazine that in order to survive you need to play pretty damn tight until the ante's show up. So, that was my plan. The ante's show up in round 4 so I figured that I could open my game up then.

Early on, blinds 25/25 I'm in the BB with 76o and get to see a free flop. Flop is 764. I lead for about 125 into a 125 pot. Get one caller from a guy that I know is tight as can be. Turn is an A. I lead 250. He calls. River is a 3. I check and he checks. He flips A7. Good thing he didn't fire the river but I'm down to about 1000 after this.

With blinds of 50/100 I double through 89 with 99 when I raise his bb and he pushes. I have about 1600 now. My AA beats JJ and I have about 3400. Jennifer Tilly gets moved to my table and proceeds to raise 4 hands in a row and call raises for the next 8. She sure does see a lot of pots. She busts soon afterwards. John Pham moves to my table and soon after the table breaks.

I have 4500 in chips and blinds are 100/200. It's the last hand before the break and then there will be ante's of 25. I'm in mp and look down at AKs. One limper to me and I make it 800 to go. Chips leader with 5000 to my left re-raises me another 1500 on top. Folded around to me and I have a decision...call and leave myself with ~2200 if I miss my flop. Re-raise and just push it in hoping he doesn't have AA or KK and take my chances on the flipper. I call. Mistake? Flop is 77Q with 2 spades (my suit). I open push thinking he can only call with AQ, KK, AA, QQ. He beats me into the pot and I ask if he has QQ before I flip my cards over. He's got JJ. Wow, he must have mad reads on me. I think I'm very very very slightly ahead here but nothing hits and I finish one hand shy of my short term goal of making the ante's. Nowhere close to my long term goal of making the money.

Dang, this thing got long. Well....that's my story. Thanks for reading....Stupid Poker!

07-21-2006, 06:06 PM
Assuming he didn't have the J of spades, after the flop, you were 48.8%, basically a coin flip.

I would have re-raised all-in PF, he would have called, and I would have been beat just like you.

I hate AK, that hand has cost me two chances of getting in the ME in 04 and 05 but I will be in the ME this year for 1st time. And I'll probably still play AK and get beat with it!

Nice report.