View Full Version : NYT on Arrests for Internet Gambling.

07-19-2006, 06:45 AM
Sorry for the two posts first thing but I usually read before heading off to work and I saw this article on the New York Times that I thought others would appreciate. It looks like it got posted a few hours ago: NYT Article. (http://www.nytimes.com/2006/07/19/business/worldbusiness/19gamble.html?_r=1&oref=slogin)

"...Some forms of online gambling are illegal in countries outside the United States. Playing online casino games for money is illegal in Australia, for example. But the United States has been the most aggressive about prosecuting the operators.

It is illegal to operate an online gambling site in the United States, but many lawyers say that the legality of a Web site that is based elsewhere, but attracts American customers, is up for interpretation. An American bookie, Jay Cohen, who ran a gambling Web site out of Antigua, served jail time after being convicted in 2000 of violating the wire act.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation’s actions come as sentiment against United States prosecutors is running high in Britain’s business circles.

It follows the extradition last week of three British bankers to a Houston court to face Enron-related charges; their extradition prompted protests in Britain. Now, the concern is that the same controversial extradition treaty could be used to force British online gambling executives to stand trial in the United States..."