View Full Version : Other Things I Want Banned

07-19-2006, 04:10 AM
After the Senate gets done taking away the scourge of online poker I have some other things that I would like to see them ban.

1. Cigarettes. I smoke, about a pack a day and it sucks. It's killing me, I can't walk up the friggin' stairs without breathing hard at the top and they're expensive. $5 a pack?! Seriously?

2. Credit Cards. They suck too. Spend, spend or Osama wins. Well I did my part and now I owe a boatload of money. I stare at my statements each month and the only thought that comes to mind is, "How the F&*k did this happen!"

3. The National League. These guys are pitchers. Why in the world do we make them take a bat up to the plate against another pitcher? It's stupid. And let's add a DH for the catcher too. Anyone that spends their entire lives squatting like they're working a rice field can't run.

4. Using the word "Axe" when you mean "Ask". Ebonics is not a language, it's lazy. Let's spend some money on schools and teach English. Let's teach Spanish while we're at it. It would be nice to go to another country being able to say something more than, "I don't speak (insert native language here) do you speak English?"

5. The Segway. It did not revolutionize my life. I can't even tell you if I've actually seen one. Please refer to this link for a better idea of the Segway http://www.craigslist.org/about/best/nyc/21634773.html

6. Airplanes. They terrify me. I hate flying. I hate when the plane has to turn. I hate turbulence. If we ban planes we could all just take the train and maybe companies would have to dole out more vacation time. Want to go to Europe? Take a boat. No more planes. We've tricked gravity long enough; it'll catch up with us.

7. The Heavyweight Division. Ho hum. Who am I supposed to be pulling for here? Chris Byrd? Those Russian cats with the glass jaws. Enough is enough.

8. Charmed. I'm tired of watching this show. I don't think I've seen the same episode twice. What the hell happened to Prue? How long has this thing been on the air?

9. The forty hour work-week. What a crock. Who in their right mind works forty friggin' hours a week? Don't get me wrong, I'm there for each and every painful hour but I actually work...maybe two, three hours tops.

10. The Constitution. Why do we even have that thing anymore? Scrap it, King George and his Merry Men know what's best for us and they're not afraid to let us know what it is. Stop trying to think and decide for yourselves.

07-19-2006, 04:39 AM
About the 40 hour work week: You know alot of the CIVILIZED industrial countries actually have a 35 hour work week, PLUS health insurance, 6 weeks vacation and GET THIS - they have internet freedom and their govt's treat ADULTS like ADULTS instead of trying to be their freaking babysitter making sure a damn adult 40 year old man doesn't spend too much money playing .50cent no limit hold em online. (Oh but it's ok if he wants to bet $10,000 on the ponys or if he wants to buy $10,000 worth of lottery tickets) It appears that in the USA you are basiclly a slave to the state and all they want you to do is go to work, come home and turn into a pacified vegetable in front of the tv screen, then get up the next morning and go to work again. No freedom to do what you want or to actually live a life..

07-19-2006, 08:45 AM
Haha - that was a great post DBass. While we're at it, why not ban this series of tubes we call the internet? Afterall that's where most Americans now-a-days take advantage of this so called thing of free speech and other 'natural' liberties?

07-19-2006, 11:44 AM
Great Post, still laughing.

07-19-2006, 12:25 PM
Great post. I would like to add SUVs. They are ugly, gas guzzling, unsafe (for other cars at least) and very lame.

If you want a big car to stick all your kids in, get a minivan. I don't give a fudge if you think they're "uncool". Same interior space, better gas mileage, safer.

Need to haul a bunch of crap, get a pickup.

Down with the SUV!

07-19-2006, 12:36 PM
About the 40 hour work week: You know alot of the CIVILIZED industrial countries actually have a 35 hour work week, PLUS health insurance, 6 weeks vacation and GET THIS - they have internet freedom and their govt's treat ADULTS like ADULTS instead of trying to be their freaking babysitter making sure a damn adult 40 year old man doesn't spend too much money playing .50cent no limit hold em online. (Oh but it's ok if he wants to bet $10,000 on the ponys or if he wants to buy $10,000 worth of lottery tickets) It appears that in the USA you are basiclly a slave to the state and all they want you to do is go to work, come home and turn into a pacified vegetable in front of the tv screen, then get up the next morning and go to work again. No freedom to do what you want or to actually live a life..

[/ QUOTE ]

I agree our freedoms have been eroding at an alarming rate it seems to me. Our government preaches to every other country about freedom, and spewes out propaganda about how free we all are, and yet seems to take our freedoms away one after the other. We are one of the most over worked countries in the world, and now we have the largest gap between rich and poor more than any other industrialized nation in the world according to business week. Read FREEDOM post under politics.

07-19-2006, 01:01 PM

7. The Heavyweight Division. Ho hum. Who am I supposed to be pulling for here? Chris Byrd? Those Russian cats with the glass jaws. Enough is enough.

[/ QUOTE ]

OMG I sooooo agree w/ u on this man!!!!!!!!!!!


07-19-2006, 01:32 PM
About the 40 hour work week: You know alot of the CIVILIZED industrial countries actually have a 35 hour work week, PLUS health insurance, 6 weeks vacation and GET THIS - they have internet freedom and their govt's treat ADULTS like ADULTS instead of trying to be their freaking babysitter making sure a damn adult 40 year old man doesn't spend too much money playing .50cent no limit hold em online. (Oh but it's ok if he wants to bet $10,000 on the ponys or if he wants to buy $10,000 worth of lottery tickets) It appears that in the USA you are basiclly a slave to the state and all they want you to do is go to work, come home and turn into a pacified vegetable in front of the tv screen, then get up the next morning and go to work again. No freedom to do what you want or to actually live a life..

[/ QUOTE ]

<u>This whole post reflects my views 100%.</u> . I have lived in other countries (Mexico, Costa Rica, Nicaragua) and I have always felt more freedom there than in the US. In the US, I feel like it's just a matter or time before someone sues me for anything, a cop arrests me for anything, or the governments eliminates yet one more freedom of some kind.

07-19-2006, 01:41 PM
About the 40 hour work week: You know alot of the CIVILIZED industrial countries actually have a 35 hour work week, PLUS health insurance, 6 weeks vacation and GET THIS - they have internet freedom and their govt's treat ADULTS like ADULTS instead of trying to be their freaking babysitter making sure a damn adult 40 year old man doesn't spend too much money playing .50cent no limit hold em online. (Oh but it's ok if he wants to bet $10,000 on the ponys or if he wants to buy $10,000 worth of lottery tickets) It appears that in the USA you are basiclly a slave to the state and all they want you to do is go to work, come home and turn into a pacified vegetable in front of the tv screen, then get up the next morning and go to work again. No freedom to do what you want or to actually live a life..

[/ QUOTE ]

<u>This whole post reflects my views 100%.</u> . I have lived in other countries (Mexico, Costa Rica, Nicaragua) and I have always felt more freedom there than in the US. In the US, I feel like it's just a matter or time before someone sues me for anything, a cop arrests me for anything, or the governments eliminates yet one more freedom of some kind.

[/ QUOTE ]

This is really funny. My wife is German and we were just over there. I talked with my in-laws about this very thing. Much of the German life is highly regulated. To get a job you have to have the right degree, driving is much more policed than it is here, use of one's property is highly regulated and I could go on. But when it comes to what many here would consider vices (alcohol, gambling, prostitution, nudity etc.) they have a much, much more hands off approach. They were laughing at us and our prudish ways, saying that anything that's fun gets banned in the U.S. It's pretty sad, but true.

07-19-2006, 02:48 PM
About the 40 hour work week: You know alot of the CIVILIZED industrial countries actually have a 35 hour work week, PLUS health insurance, 6 weeks vacation and GET THIS - they have internet freedom and their govt's treat ADULTS like ADULTS instead of trying to be their freaking babysitter making sure a damn adult 40 year old man doesn't spend too much money playing .50cent no limit hold em online. (Oh but it's ok if he wants to bet $10,000 on the ponys or if he wants to buy $10,000 worth of lottery tickets) It appears that in the USA you are basiclly a slave to the state and all they want you to do is go to work, come home and turn into a pacified vegetable in front of the tv screen, then get up the next morning and go to work again. No freedom to do what you want or to actually live a life..

[/ QUOTE ]

<u>This whole post reflects my views 100%.</u> . I have lived in other countries (Mexico, Costa Rica, Nicaragua) and I have always felt more freedom there than in the US. In the US, I feel like it's just a matter or time before someone sues me for anything, a cop arrests me for anything, or the governments eliminates yet one more freedom of some kind.

[/ QUOTE ]


07-19-2006, 03:00 PM
I think we should start hanging te kids who win the national spelling bees. They are clearly involved in black magic. I mean honestly, who the hell knows how to spell a 30 letter word!

07-19-2006, 03:18 PM
I think we should start hanging te kids who win the national spelling bees. They are clearly involved in black magic. I mean honestly, who the hell knows how to spell a 30 letter word!

[/ QUOTE ]

I thought burning at the stake was the proper punishement for witchcraft!

07-19-2006, 04:07 PM
Let's just hang them while they're on fire...done and done.

07-19-2006, 04:51 PM
Tie them to rocks and sink em. That was standard practice...plus that thing happens in DC which seems to be the capital of the world for bad things right now.

07-19-2006, 05:40 PM
Awesome, dude. Pure gold.

I'm quoting it, just to make sure there's another copy, just in case.


After the Senate gets done taking away the scourge of online poker I have some other things that I would like to see them ban.

1. Cigarettes. I smoke, about a pack a day and it sucks. It's killing me, I can't walk up the friggin' stairs without breathing hard at the top and they're expensive. $5 a pack?! Seriously?

2. Credit Cards. They suck too. Spend, spend or Osama wins. Well I did my part and now I owe a boatload of money. I stare at my statements each month and the only thought that comes to mind is, "How the F&amp;*k did this happen!"

3. The National League. These guys are pitchers. Why in the world do we make them take a bat up to the plate against another pitcher? It's stupid. And let's add a DH for the catcher too. Anyone that spends their entire lives squatting like they're working a rice field can't run.

4. Using the word "Axe" when you mean "Ask". Ebonics is not a language, it's lazy. Let's spend some money on schools and teach English. Let's teach Spanish while we're at it. It would be nice to go to another country being able to say something more than, "I don't speak (insert native language here) do you speak English?"

5. The Segway. It did not revolutionize my life. I can't even tell you if I've actually seen one. Please refer to this link for a better idea of the Segway http://www.craigslist.org/about/best/nyc/21634773.html

6. Airplanes. They terrify me. I hate flying. I hate when the plane has to turn. I hate turbulence. If we ban planes we could all just take the train and maybe companies would have to dole out more vacation time. Want to go to Europe? Take a boat. No more planes. We've tricked gravity long enough; it'll catch up with us.

7. The Heavyweight Division. Ho hum. Who am I supposed to be pulling for here? Chris Byrd? Those Russian cats with the glass jaws. Enough is enough.

8. Charmed. I'm tired of watching this show. I don't think I've seen the same episode twice. What the hell happened to Prue? How long has this thing been on the air?

9. The forty hour work-week. What a crock. Who in their right mind works forty friggin' hours a week? Don't get me wrong, I'm there for each and every painful hour but I actually work...maybe two, three hours tops.

10. The Constitution. Why do we even have that thing anymore? Scrap it, King George and his Merry Men know what's best for us and they're not afraid to let us know what it is. Stop trying to think and decide for yourselves.

[/ QUOTE ]

07-19-2006, 06:37 PM
About the 40 hour work week: You know alot of the CIVILIZED industrial countries actually have a 35 hour work week, PLUS health insurance, 6 weeks vacation and GET THIS - they have internet freedom and their govt's treat ADULTS like ADULTS instead of trying to be their freaking babysitter making sure a damn adult 40 year old man doesn't spend too much money playing .50cent no limit hold em online. (Oh but it's ok if he wants to bet $10,000 on the ponys or if he wants to buy $10,000 worth of lottery tickets) It appears that in the USA you are basiclly a slave to the state and all they want you to do is go to work, come home and turn into a pacified vegetable in front of the tv screen, then get up the next morning and go to work again. No freedom to do what you want or to actually live a life..

[/ QUOTE ]

There is much more taxation and regulation in other countries actually. Especially in Europe.

07-19-2006, 07:15 PM
About the 40 hour work week: You know alot of the CIVILIZED industrial countries actually have a 35 hour work week, PLUS health insurance, 6 weeks vacation and GET THIS - they have internet freedom and their govt's treat ADULTS like ADULTS instead of trying to be their freaking babysitter making sure a damn adult 40 year old man doesn't spend too much money playing .50cent no limit hold em online. (Oh but it's ok if he wants to bet $10,000 on the ponys or if he wants to buy $10,000 worth of lottery tickets) It appears that in the USA you are basiclly a slave to the state and all they want you to do is go to work, come home and turn into a pacified vegetable in front of the tv screen, then get up the next morning and go to work again. No freedom to do what you want or to actually live a life..

[/ QUOTE ]

There is much more taxation and regulation in other countries actually. Especially in Europe.

[/ QUOTE ]

I lived in Germany for two years and it was set up a bit like this. 6 weeks of paid vacation a year but the taxes came in at 50% of your earnings. Of course, universal health care was also provided so, all in all, a pretty fair deal.

I would gladly pay more in taxes if this country would provide health care for all and perhaps throw a bit of change into our public schools. Rockets and bombs are all good fun for the Fourth but spending they way we do on that is just sensless.

07-19-2006, 11:01 PM
there is much more ECONOMIC regulation. Higher taxes and stuff. Health industry (and other stuff) is socialized. But there is much LESS social/moral regulation. TV has nudity (at least late at nite, anyway, in most European contries.

07-19-2006, 11:07 PM
there is much more ECONOMIC regulation. Higher taxes and stuff. Health industry (and other stuff) is socialized. But there is much LESS social/moral regulation. TV has nudity (at least late at nite, anyway, in most European contries.

[/ QUOTE ]

First week I was in Germany, I received an advertisment in my apartment mailbox from the Weirtkopf (Walmart). Inside was an ad for shampoo. To show how nice the shampoo was, a woman was pictured, in the shower using the wonderful product. She was, of course, facing the camera and full frontal nudity was available for all.

I still have extra bottles of that shampoo if anyone needs any.

07-19-2006, 11:09 PM
Mods: Is it OK to have funny threads in legislation?

07-19-2006, 11:26 PM
Re to #1 - So very true. The government doesn't wan't me to play an $11 donkament on party, but is fine if I spend that $11 on 2 packs of Marlboros.

07-20-2006, 12:24 AM
Good luck getting 2 packs for $11...guess it depends on where you live. Makes me glad I'm not a smoker though.