View Full Version : How about writing the online poker sites?

07-19-2006, 03:29 AM
I don't know about the rest of you, but I am extremely disappointed in the efforts of the Poker Player's Alliance (PPA). PPA seems to be entirely inept and making no real difference on whether anti gambling legislation passes. If legislation does not get through the Senate, it will certainly not be because of any of the efforts of the PPA.

I am also skeptical about the effectiveness of writing my senator a letter. Some of you may have some success in your states, but in my case, I don't believe I will. I am from Utah, and a letter written to either of my senators about why they should oppose anti-internet gamling legislation is going to fall on deaf ears.

I have wondered what else I can do. Encouraging my pokerroom site to get directly involved might be the anser. The online poker sites have millions of dollars and could certainly muster up a better fight than the PPA. However, PartyPoker has declined to respond to my email I sent to them in regards to this topic. Have any of you had any better success? If any of you have gotten a response from any poker site on their stance on this issue, or how they are working to oppose the legislation, I would love to know.

If we all started sending emails to the online poker sites, we might get them (and more importantly thier $$$) directly involved in the fight against anti-online gambling legislation. If any of you have sent emails to your poker site, please post and let us know what response (if any) you received.

Losing all
07-19-2006, 03:53 AM
If legislation does not get through the Senate, it will certainly not be because of any of the efforts of the PPA.

[/ QUOTE ]

This seems to be a popular opinion around here, and could very well be the truth. I think there's also a chance that the PPA (or party or stars or any other big player) has struck up some back room deal that we'll never hear about.

07-19-2006, 08:20 AM
Well, at least the PPA is doing SOMETHING. You're not doing a thing. Go ahead and write your senators; it takes ten minutes. They may disregard what you write; they will disregard what you don't write 100 percent of the time. Write Orrin Hatch; he's conservative, but he's a reasonable man who cares about privacy, government restraint, etc. Specifically write about the how much more the banks are going to have to know about thier customer's transactions.

07-19-2006, 09:44 AM
I have emailed PartyGaming three times and all three times they responded rather quickly. A few months ago I inquired about some general information about the pending legislation. I received a rather lengthy email detailing Gooldatte's, Leach's, and Kyl's bill. Then last week I emailed before the House vote and they basically told me to email my senators because it was most likely to go through the House. They also told me to join PPA, which I had done awhile ago. I had kept all the emails until Sunday when I cleaned out my email folders.

07-19-2006, 02:57 PM
I think we can assume the sites are already involved. Phone your Senators.