View Full Version : worst case, end of days, timeline estimate

07-18-2006, 11:23 PM
If this gawd awful bill passed tomorrow, what kind of timeline estimates do the knowledgable posters here think we are looking at for our final hand of online poker?

I ask because I am on the verge of spending a bunch of dough on a new poker comp/monitor and I just can't pull the trigger without looking here first, and then I end up thinking I better wait! lol

Seems I am a weak tight computer buyer, lol. Weak tightwad?


07-18-2006, 11:49 PM
wait until the congress adjourns b4 you invest your money. If it passes wait and see if the fish pool dries up or not.

07-19-2006, 01:11 AM
if you have the resources, one option would be to hedge via tradesports. See the tradesports thread in this forum for more detail, but basically they are offering the opportunity to take investment positions for and against passage of the bill. Right now the contracts are selling at 30, meaning you are risking $3 to win $7 when you buy, and risking $7 to win $3 when you sell. The hedge would work as follows: buy your computer equipment, and then buy enough contracts on tradesports to cover the lost/unused equity you'd have in that equipment if the bill passes.

Don't forget that you can sell the equipment on eBay if the bill passes, albeit not for full price. So if the delta between the full price of the equipment and the sale price in December on eBay is $150, then buy 50 $10 contracts on tradesports (purchasing at the current market price of 30).

07-19-2006, 01:42 AM
Just sell it to a Canadian poster....