View Full Version : voteyourpocketbook.com

07-18-2006, 12:34 PM
In the debates about gambling legislation, people have mentioned giving campaign contributions to congressmen who vote against the bill.

I'd like to set up a website that allows people to contribute to legislators based on how those legislators vote. For instance, if a person wanted to support online poker (or the Iraq war or gun laws), he or she could donate $100 to the re-election coffers of those legislators who vote against the bill. Not every congressperson runs again, so the extra money could be distributed to his or her party or to other people who are seeking re-election.

The site would have a hierarchy that looked something like this:

---Laws with ability to donate

Giving money based on voting records rather than campaign promises seems like a better feedback mechanism. The site would also allow legislators to get another barometer for public opinion, especially if it contained info on the number of donations as well as the mean and median donation.

Would this be legal/doable? I'm a development assistant at a New York nonprofit and have limited experience designing websites. Would anyone be interested in helping me set this up for poker specifically or perhaps a more general site?

07-18-2006, 12:44 PM
There is also a website (don't have time to look it up right now) that lists how much companies contribute to each candidate. Maybe we could boycott the companies who are supporting the Goodlatte's of the world.

07-18-2006, 01:34 PM
My first post.

Been reading the legislation boards for a while and this sounds like a great idea. More bang for the buck. High profile, high $ contributions on specific issues from a grassroots organization. Seems like it would have been done already.

So far as gathering information on campaign contributions/spending, try www.opensecrets.org. (http://www.opensecrets.org.)