View Full Version : Calling our Senators

Brandon Thomas
07-17-2006, 11:44 PM
Maybe this has been discussed already but I cant seem to find anything.

A list of Senators with phone numbers who will be acting on the bill.

What we should be saying to them? Knowing me I would get on the phone with them and go totally blank. Maybe some type of generic cheat sheet?

07-18-2006, 12:05 AM
I don't want to sound overly pessimistic...but I think the best hope is to get riders attached including horseracing and the lottery. "Online Poker Players" are just not much of a group of people politicians would care about helping directly.
Including those things would make it more likely to not pass...but who to go to to get them attached to the bill?

Barring that, our only hope - IMHO - seems to be a court challange (after the fact which would wreck the current status quo)regarding the ISP blocking aspect.


07-18-2006, 12:47 AM
This email was sent by the Poker Player's Alliance:

Dear PPA Member:

Thank you for standing with the Poker Players Alliance to protect poker. Our voices are being heard in Washington, D.C. Over the past few weeks more than 15 thousand letters have been sent to Capitol Hill telling Congress to keep poker legal. We believe this has helped to slow the bill down, but the U.S. House of Representatives is poised to vote on the online gambling prohibition as early as July 11th.

This week (July 2 – 9), the U.S. House is on Congressional recess and most Representatives are working from their offices back in your state. Now is a good time to call your Representative’s local office and tell them to oppose, H.R. 4777, the Internet Gaming Prohibition Act.

How do I call my Representative?

Simple. Click here. (http://capwiz.com/pokerplayersalliance/callalert/index.tt?alertid=8891616)
Then using your zip code you can find your Representative.

What do I say?

Rep. XXX, should oppose H.R. 4777, the Internet Gambling Prohibition Act.

Regulation of online poker is a more sensible solution than an outright ban.

Rep. XX should become a cosponsor of H.R. 5474. This bill requires Congress to objectively examine how Internet gambling can be regulated and taxed rather than driven underground.

Americans know that prohibitions don’t work. Congress should ensure that I can continue to enjoy poker on the Internet in a safe and regulated environment and not make the same mistake.

Telling American adults how to use their hard-earned money, whether on e-bay or on playing internet poker is not the federal government’s job, and I object to Rep XXX deputizing banks to monitor my debits and credits.

Again, it is essential that you make your voice heard. Please call!


Michael Bolcerek, president
Poker Players Alliance

[/ QUOTE ]