View Full Version : Bonus whoring

01-20-2006, 03:37 AM
Hey all.

I generally play 2/4 and 3/6 FL, and make about 2.5 BB/100.
How much could i get out of bonus whoring?

And should i just take the site which has the best bonus pr. hour. Simply take the list from bonuswhores.com and just take it from the top and down?

Best Regards

01-20-2006, 10:34 AM
The BW grid is a great tool but keep in mind that if you play at a site where you get killed at the tables a higher clearance rate won't mean squat. Fortunately there are also a ton of reviews and tons of skins for many poker networks. Try a few and find a site that you like and which has a good clearance rate (even if may or may not be the absolute BEST rate) and go from there (and if you like them, try another of their skins if they have one).

How much can you make? No idea. Depends on what how much you play. I probably average 1-2 hours a day and I think I made about 10k last year (haven't tallied it all up yet for tax purposes so you IRS motherfudgers better not hold me to that figure).

Nice win rate btw.