View Full Version : "The Game" by Neil Strauss

07-14-2006, 12:13 PM
Who here has read this book? My friend is really into it and claims the stuff actually works and he tells me he now picks up hot babes all the time.WTF? is this actually real?

heres a link for a review http://www.popmatters.com/books/reviews/g/game-penetrating-2005.shtml

(mods, if this is inapprorate, or wrong area to discuss, just delete it )

07-14-2006, 03:56 PM
"The Game" = one thing- confidence

07-14-2006, 05:28 PM
Wrong forum? I don't know, I think an analytical discussion of the subject might be an interesting change of pace.

I suck at this stuff, like I really suck, but I agree with Johnny. There are many statistical errors made when it comes to libraries of "technique." I know there was one psychotherapeutic treatment program that was shown to be highly successful. It involved regular exercise. Anyhow, the creators of the treatment felt pretty good until it was shown that regular exercise alone had the same benefit. All the technique and theory were useless.

(I wish I had references, unfortunately this will have to remain anecdotal unless someone else has heard of it. Maybe it didn't even happen, but it illustrates the statistical error well regardless)

I think the seduction stuff is very similar. People succeed with all these wacky strategies because they're confident, and then they attribute their success to the wacky strategies when it's really just the confidence that got them success. I don't know that confidence alone is everything, but I think it's what can be taken from these types of programs. It's like when someone who has never asked a girl out in his life reads the "three second rule" on alt.fast-seduction, and suddenly they're all saying it works. The real difference is that they're simply approaching more women.

07-15-2006, 12:59 AM
some of the "techniques" require confidence in approaching women, confidence that many not know is already there. By stepping out of your shell, i believe people can amaze themselves. This book i think has ways that can DISPLAY confidence with women, ratther then acting like a wimp.

07-15-2006, 05:55 AM
I liked the game. Mainly because it was just a complete mind-altering thing for me. I immediately changed how I viewed everything and stopped being a stupid chump. That area of my life was just blinded by programming and thinking the nice guy stuff should work--and I'm normally a pretty observant guy, but I continued to be "stupid" in that area. My definition of stupid is doing the same thing and expecting different results. So that book shaped me up and I am MUCH better off for it.

As far as other materials, see if you can get David Deangelo's ebook and Mystery's ebook. Read Deangelo first. Then Also I'd watch the videos by both of them. David Deangelo gives a nice solid and very interesting theoretical introduction to attraction and mating and so forth. Very interesting, and also a bit amusing. One in ten people's biological father is not who they think it is. Sounds startling at frist, but not really all that surprising I guess. Still, look around in a room--how many people don't know who their daddy is???

I also found the book "How to Become an Alpha Male" a bit useful, but nothing entirely new.

What it all comes down to is having a very solid IDENTITY, whatever that may be and having 100% confidence in yourself and who you are. Don't let others' opinions affect you and ALWAYS make a decision if somebody asks or a group doesn't know what they want or whatever---any chance you get to make a choice about something DO IT. Even if you have no clue what you are talking about. You'll make the same proportion of right and wrong decisions, but all people (women) will remember is that you made a whole bunch of them and that a lot of them were right. Look, act, feel, and BE a leader--because you know who you are. Also, women are always guests in your space, in your reality, taking up YOUR precious time. Just have that cocky attitidue, be playful with it (not a dick) and you're 99% there.

That all sounds pretty simple, but it took me 7 books, 13 hours of videos, weeks of observation, still more weeks of self reflection, months of working out, and then lots of time going out for the sole purpose of hitting on, and being rejected by, women. I still am trying to find out who/what I want to be. That reminds me, I need a new handle; "college kid" sucks, and will soon be inaccurate.

This stuff isn't about getting better with women, it's about getting your life together. And women are a big part of that for most men's lives. I know that getting this area done gave me previously untapped confidence for every other area of my life.