View Full Version : At the gas station

07-14-2006, 11:15 AM
I see homeless people standing there with 7 scratch off tickets, scratching as fast as they can scratch. After they lose all 7, they will not be able to afford the dinner at McDonald's. Nevermind their kids.

But here is online poker, a game clearly played by people with more resources than those that play state lottery "games", on the chopping block. Those people addicted to the lottery games are losing their food money while the online poker players that lose are simply losing their bar money for the end of the week(for the most part, yes there are those that lose everything. And tylenol kills some people the first time they take it).

And the exceptions....AKA the hypocracy. Horse racing and lotteries right? So if the jobless guy finally gets a job and can afford a computer, he won't even have to go to the gas station to feed his addiction. And if you are addicted to gambling online, you can simply move from poker to horses or state lotteries. But as long as the money is going to the schools, it doesn't matter if you lose your house right?

Obviously this bill is about politics and not common sense. Obviously the people who voted for it did little to no research on the subject before voting. For the first time in my life I am embarassed to be an american.