View Full Version : CALL THE SENATE

07-12-2006, 07:25 PM
today i spent some time calling some senators...mainly sen frist's office..we must let them know that we will no longer contribute to any party..if your a dem call their offices..let them know that we don't appricate them telling us how or where or when to spend our hard earned money...its not only poker its all of this crap...i don't even feel like voting anymore..what for?theres no difference anymore between the two party's..they are taxing us to death on the local and the federal level..and their taking our rights away more and more...so please it might not do a damm thing...but let them know how we feel god dammit..

07-12-2006, 07:38 PM
you go man, punch em all in the head too.

07-12-2006, 07:48 PM
I am ashamed to say that Bill Frist is my senator, although thankfully he is stepping down this year to run for President. He is one of the most holier-than-though, Bible-thumping, morality-legislating hypocrites there is, and I'm a Republican (or at least I used to be before today). Whatever you do, don't vote for this jackass for President, and be thankful that he won't be the Senate majority leader after this year.

Don't bother calling Frist. He doesn't give a damn what you think. Call both of the senators from your own state and let them know in no uncertain terms how you feel about this legislation. With all the other problems this nation is facing, they are wasting their time trying to keep people from playing games on the internet!

07-12-2006, 08:47 PM
It could be worse. I live in Oklahoma and mine (Coburn and Inhofe) are worse. Inhofe was the one who joked days after the Oklahoma City bombing that "well, it was only a few minutes after nine, and most of those federal employees come in late, or it would have been a lot worse." (I'm paraphrasing from memory on this quote). There is ZERO chance these guys vote against it, unless Bush or Pat Robertson tells them not to.