View Full Version : A market-based solution to protect the children?

07-12-2006, 09:49 AM
Since one of the big concerns is apparently the vulnerability of the youngins and the elderly, as well as gambling addicts, to the easy access of Internet gambling, shouldn't there be a market for an ISP which does block gambling sites? Families who are very concerned about their children gambling but can't be bothered to secure their credit cards and other financial information could use it, thus eliminating the apparent need for the government to raise their children for them. People going into GA could do it/have it done as well. It doesn't totally preclude their playing, of course, but it does establish another hurdle anyway. This allows consenting adults to do as they wish while thinking of the children.

I realize this wouldn't mollify Congress, but I do wonder if there is just not enough of a market for this. Could they couple it with banning porn sites and maybe market this as a "Family Friendly ISP"? Also, for those in the know, is it economically feasible for an ISP to offer individual consumers options on blocking sites, so that I could use Comcast along with my neighbor, but while I could have everything available, he could have Party Poker and womenondonkeyaction.com blocked? Or is it far too expensive/difficult to do that?