View Full Version : Theoretical Question.

07-12-2006, 05:06 AM
This bill passes senate and your sole income is derived from poker.

Since American financial institutions would be unable to "do business" with the gambling companies, could you go to another country to "cash out" so to speak?

For instance, say you earn 50K a year playing poker. Every six months, you take a quick run up to Canada and use their banking facilities to get yourself a 25k cashier's check.

Feasible plan, or no?

07-12-2006, 07:04 AM
You guys are all missing the point (IMO)

I am fairly sure that there will be some way for people who really want to avoid the proposed law to due so. If that means establishing some type of offshore account, duel residency, etc (not sure about examples, just putting them out there) then some will do it.

The problem is when you lose the recreational player who will not go to such lengths (or risks) to continue playing online. That is a sizable chunck of the overall fish pond, leaving games much worse.

07-12-2006, 07:17 AM
Exactly. The solution isn't to figure out a way to continue after the bill becomes law, it's to figure out a way to prevent that from happening. And I fear we'll have to go it alone.

I read the gambling forum at The Rx, and ovewr there the sports betters are mostly saying, "Bleep the Congress, I'll just bet through my local or post up using checks and FedEx." Their response to suggestions to join a group such as Poker Players Alliance and call senators was, "Yeah right. Let the government know who you are."

07-12-2006, 07:51 AM
You guys are all missing the point (IMO)

I am fairly sure that there will be some way for people who really want to avoid the proposed law to due so. If that means establishing some type of offshore account, duel residency, etc (not sure about examples, just putting them out there) then some will do it.

The problem is when you lose the recreational player who will not go to such lengths (or risks) to continue playing online. That is a sizable chunck of the overall fish pond, leaving games much worse.

[/ QUOTE ]

Actually I very nearly posted that I was worried about exactly what you described, but decided against it as I already knew the answer and felt it was an unnecessary tangent.

I think(?) everyone understands that is the biggest concern posed.