View Full Version : Some ? about the current situation

07-11-2006, 11:33 PM
Where do the US BM casinos stand on the internet gambling ban since they appear to have some money and weight to throw around? Also, would this bill run into issues with the WTO?

07-12-2006, 02:27 AM
It's not really clear where the US casinos stand on this, though for a while it looked like they favored an alternative bill calling for a study of online gambling for a period of 18 months. I am sure they are conflicted, in that they would like to be able to open up their own sites eventually, but would also really like those pesky foreign competitors to wither away.

This bill will almost certain reopen the WTO can of worms, given the exemptions for horse racing, etc. The question is whether that matters. With the Doha round of trade talks in shambles and protectionist sentiment on the rise both in the US and elsewhere, the WTO may be (sadly) on its way to becoming a nonentity.