View Full Version : totally disgusted

07-11-2006, 08:53 PM
after reading my local paper<staten island advance> in in nyc..i called my congressman vito fossella a republican who voted against this stupid bill..as a life long republican i also called the two morons who introduced this garbage pc of legistration. i informed them that my party was supposed to be the party of less govt not big govt..we in this country have to wake up soon..they are taking our rights and our money more and more each day.itl doesn't matter dem or rep..their all the same..i guess its all right for me to go spend my whole pay check on lotto tickets but if i decide i want to spend some of my hard earned money playing poker on the internet i can't..what a crock...the founding fathers must be turning over in their graves seeing what they created getting destroyed by these good for nothing idiots...

07-11-2006, 09:01 PM
The House voted 317 to 93

with these numbers it isn't a partisan thing. It's like the War on Drugs--everybody supports it. It's absolutely nauseating but politicians don't want to look like they don't "care" about the poor guys mouseclicking their lives away. What a joke!