View Full Version : How will the anti-gambling bill effect casinowhores?

07-08-2006, 08:33 AM
I'll admit to being pretty ignorant when it comes to the bill that's floating around in congress. I haven't paid much attention to it and am still confused as to what it actually bans. As of my understanding right now, the bill bans just the financial aspect of gambling (neteller and such) but not the actual gambling itself (ofcourse there will be no gambling without the money).

Could someone who has been following it more closely explain to me what will happen (and when) IF the bill passes. Will the casinos know if the bill is gonna pass before the general public does. If so, do you think the casinos will pay out the money in our accounts knowing that their industry is gonna be hit real hard? I have basically my whole bankroll spread between various gambling sites and would like to know if I should be following the bill more closely so I know when to pull my money out.

07-08-2006, 08:24 PM
I don't think it will actually pass. The bill exists because of the mid-term elections and certain conservatives want to sure up the base. As a republican, this attempt to ban certain types of gambing while protecting many government revenue streams from other forms of gambling is absurd. If they wanted to ban all forms of gambling then I could at least respect their stance. If it passes I'm sure will get a few months if not more to clean up our accounts in a legal manner. Of course, the online gambling industry will be crippled if it is banned in the US but it will survive. It will be sad that US citizens will lose another freedom but I quess I will have to just jump in the car to go play poker (regular casino games will be dead to me) at a B&M casino. Of course, I'll have to pay more in gasoline tax, room tax, and sales tax on my trips and of course the casino will pay thier tax to the government but I quess thats the plan.

It will really piss me off if someday I cannot gamble on the internet (which often times is more favorable for the player, lets see a rake free B&M poker room) though I can buy a lottery ticket at the grocery store because that form of gambling "helps the schools". Though I'm not sure where the original taxes that I pay that was originally for the schools has disappeared to.

Yeah. USA