View Full Version : Always start at $0 for monthly Casino bonuses?

07-02-2006, 02:30 PM
Should I always withdraw all funds prior to depositing for a monthly?
Any repurcussions to not withdrawing all your funds prior to depositing for a monthly?
ie; You won't be able to withdraw them until you complete a hypothetical $2000 WR even though you have already lost the $50 deposit and $50 bonus. or because you had a balance the WR carries over to next month whereas if you had simply busted to $0 no WR carryover.

If this is the case it seems like such a stupid policy for the casinos, since they wil be eaten up by all the neteller fees from whores. Obviously, I think Littlewoods has the idea right "Just give us 625 in action and we will credit you the bonus" No churning accounts required.

07-02-2006, 08:40 PM
I would definitly start at 0 if the WR didnt carry over if you bust month to month. However If it does, and your gonna do the bonus every month it doesnt really mattter.
