View Full Version : Million Bum March ... Now Is Time!

06-30-2006, 05:42 PM
Calling all you poker bums. You know who you are: yea you, the guy sitting there in front of the flickering monitor, red-eyed, constantly adjusting your sack with your carpal-tunnel afflicted hand, watching your DVD of "The Big Lebowski" for the 574th time.

Your passive existence is threatened.

We must march in solidarity on Washington. Yes, that means you must go outside in the light of day and leave your computer for a while. I know that's a scary thought, but you will be doing so to save your great love: Internet POKER!!!

Stop the tyranny! Yes they can montior our phone calls to discover our terrorist intentions, grant amnesty to millions of illegals whom have soaked up millions of dollars of government aid while paying no taxes, and then making us felons for playing online poker. What a great country.

Well, it seems action must be taken. So, how about a convergence on Washington of online poker enthusiasts to point out the hypocracies and absurdities in the proposed bills and get a little publicity for the cause. At least we can say we tried.

Would anyone like to make suggestions on dates and organizational methods.

Let's do it!

06-30-2006, 11:21 PM
grant amnesty to millions of illegals whom have soaked up millions of dollars of government aid while paying no taxes

[/ QUOTE ]

It's not your fault for assuming this but most all illegals pay taxes. It defies common sense but it's true. What they do is work on someone else's ID card (a sibling or cousin)and the taxes are taken out automatically. Now of course, if they make under a certain amount then they get most of that back which is true for everyone in that income bracket. On the other hand, you as a consumer get to save thousands of dollars yearly in food and clothing expenses due to their cheap labor.

Anyways, after recognizing and asserting our own rights to choose where we live and what we do, to deny another person the same rights is hypocritical at best and tyranical at worse.

But more to your point. If this thing ever got to the point where it is in WA then I think we might begin to see some serious protest and not just by poker players. But it won't even get close to that point.

06-30-2006, 11:39 PM
Not to mention that the current plan would require back taxes to be paid as a condition of amnesty.