View Full Version : Existential Freedom (Help me with my essay)

06-25-2006, 10:48 PM
Sorry if this kind of post isn't cool, just let me know and its done. I don't know if this will be answered in time as this is really last minute, but...

Writing a short essay on Simone de Beauvoir's version of freedom, basically as it compares to Sartre's. The main difference that I'm supposed to focus on is that Simone de Beauvoir's freedom actualy gives ground for action, and says we have an obligation to free the slave, whereas Sartre sees none. My problem is I'm reading S.D.B.'s Freedom and Liberation, and for the life of me I cannot find where she defines her version of freedom. Now this definition is supposed to be subtly different than Sartre's, something along the lines of an 'end' or project never being an absolute in and of iteself, so it can't stand on its own, that we need to act to be free...

If there's any existentialism buffs out there who can help me out by giving me a clear definition of freedom from SDB's point of view, and/or why action is essential to her freedom, I'd really appreciate it.