View Full Version : Party and Stars

06-23-2006, 11:30 PM
So I just switched from a mac to a pc. (Actually I still have a mac but it has a sick intel chip so I can run windows on it too) I just made a deposit to party and will be hopping on stars in the near future as well. What is the deal with rake back and bonuses on these sites? I know this question is probably asked a lot but I haven't found anything with the search. The only sites I have played on previously were pokerroom skins. I guess I can take info on UB as well because I will probably get an account there in the near future as well.

06-23-2006, 11:38 PM
non... legally that is.

u can get rb on UB. thats hunky dory

06-24-2006, 01:44 AM
Well, at least i'm not as retarded as i thought I was at using the search function then. I made the post about party and stars because I couldn't find any info on those sites, I dont think I'll have any problem with the RB at UB.