View Full Version : casino bonuses... few month down the line forecast?

06-22-2006, 09:03 AM
just hoping to get some opinions from people about what it will be like a few month down the line, like September~December.

there's still a handful of good bonuses out there which have a requirement of 25xB or less, and several big bonuses like CON.
but we've seen the case of many T&C's changing.

would most of the bonus disappear by the near end of this year you reckon? i just wanna hear some opinions as i'm thinking of creating a website regarding it.
will there still be potential for new people to sign up in the hopes of bonus whoring?

06-22-2006, 10:51 AM
The thing you need to know is that if you pander to whores only, the way you will make money is with CPA deals. These are one time sign-up fees. The problem is that many of the sites do not give you CPA deals as an option, or they make you prove your worth to get one.

So for a majority of sites you will be on REV SHARE, which is a % of the casino take for the month. If you are primarily promote to whores, this number will be negative a majority of the time. Many of the sites roll this negative balance for every month. Like at Bet365, I need someone to drop about 10K to even get back to even. So I will more then likely never make money at their site, and I have many casinos that are like this.

And then even when you can get a CPA deal, the sites will monitor this and make sure people are losing. Many of the CPA deals I have had end on the first month. And if you try to offer incentives for new players to sign up at a place that has a CPA deal, be prepared to take it in the rear one month when you least expect it. Normally it is my biggest month for signups when I have gotten changed over, and most of the times they refuse to make that last payment.

So if you are looking to make some big bucks, signing up whores is not the way to go. In general you will need for a majority of your players to lose and bust or reload, and an army of whores will not do this.

06-22-2006, 12:25 PM
I would echo Dave's comments. If you want to make big $$ in the gaming industry make a slots site or a sportsbook site. 95% of sites are revenue share based, so you only make money if the total of your players lose, which smart whores don't. Even if one person tilts off $1K one month, the whores will negate his losses for the most part. Of the 5% that are CPA, you will probably get banned from CPA at 50% of them and keep it at 50% of them.

Don't get me wrong, you can make some $$ each month, but you wouldn't be able to retire on it hehe. I made my site mainly as a hobby and a way to share my whoring journey with others, and if it ended up making any $$ then that was a bonus. One good thing about starting my site was it showed me the profit potential of the industry in general if you can get over the moral dilemma of making profit off of another's losses (although as poker players I guess we crossed this bridge long ago). It also inspired me to create additional sites focusing on sports, slots, and poker which you can actually make some money on.

For the amount of time and energy you have to put into a site getting it to rank well with the search engines etc, you would be better off focusing on a higher profit segment than bonus whores.

For the more general question of the whoring forecast, I hear a lot of gloom and doom talk about tightening bonuses etc, and to be fair I do see some tightening of terms as the casinos get tired of the abuse. However, I also see many new casinos coming online every day and needing a way to stay competitive for new players which means bonuses will always be around. So in general, I think the outlook for the whores is good, and even after you have done all the initial signups (which would take you months to complete), that you can maintain $1K+ a month easily in whoring income.
