View Full Version : Going All-In DVD series #2-bonus

bookie socks
01-17-2006, 08:26 AM

Let me start with the bonus disk-
It's seems like these 4 got together after busting out in Aruba and decided to throw together an instructional DVD.
No script. It's set up sort of like a workshop with 6 or 7 home game players playing at a table with the 4 pros, 2 pros at each table,
with Gus, Phil and Antonio having their own disk thrown in.
They have a couple of hand held cameras not on tripods and a couple cameras on tripods. There are times when people are standing with their back to the camera blocking the view of the pro. There is one lady in the backround sitting at a high table and when she gets off the seat we almost get a peek of her panties. (don't drool, you don't see anything ). They even have the waitress in there giving Gus his check for his drink (tacky)
I guess you're suppose to feel like you are sitting around watching your buddies play the pros and discussing the hands. Extremely informal. Think how boring it is to sit around and watch a cash game you can't get in on.
Editing is really bad. One time they have a shot of Phil talking to a player but it's Gus's voice we hear. Not just a minute or two but like for 5 min, Phil's face, Gus's voice.

The whole "All-in" series has got to be the worst.
Disk #2 was as much for beginners as disk #1. Between Gus never sitting still and the handheld camera not being on a tripod I was almost sick to my stomach. Thought I would get an inside look at The Great Danes mind but I was dissapointed.

Disk #3 was Phil. A little better but still very basic. He really threw out some complicated ramblings.

I skipped the chip tricks.

Thumbs down for sure. And very boring.