View Full Version : Frangible bullets

06-05-2006, 01:46 AM
i don't own a gun/ have never shot one, but i enjoy history channel shows on new tech and their favorites include all thee non leathel, less than leathel and "safe" weapons.
Frangible bullets seems like a great idea for home defense to help prevent your family/neighbors others that you are not aiming at. However the programs and top web searches merely define frangibles as breaking up when "they hit an object harder than themselves" - while obviously there are likely dozens of different potential materials they don't delve into what is actually harder than a "typical" frangible. What about a typical non load bearing wall inside a house? A standard window (plastic or glass)? A persons ribs? ect ect, anyone have information on this type of stuff?

06-05-2006, 05:12 AM
Any frangible bullet that is so weak that it will break up through drywall or plywood is also too weak to use on a human adversary.

The FBI determined that the ideal design for a bullet is one that will go through at least 12 inches of human flesh, but not beyond 16 inches. This way you do enough damage without hurting people behind the adversary.

Anything that is less is under penetrative, and anything that is more is over penetrative. The only exception is if somehow the bullet would have an explosive effect on the adversary, in which case it does not have to penetrate so deeply to do enough damage. But exploding bullets are not practical.

In a self defence situation, it is sometimes necessary to punch through things to get to your adversary.