View Full Version : Some Downloadable Math Texts (perfectly legal)

05-24-2006, 08:42 PM
I added that dislaimer because I know piracy is forbidden.

These books however are free for use as long as you follow these peoples terms and conditions, generally it is don't sell, etc...


GENERATINGFUNCTIONOLOGY (http://www.math.upenn.edu/~wilf/DownldGF.html)

"A=B" is about identities in general, and hypergeometric identities in particular, with emphasis on computer methods of discovery and proof. The book describes a number of algorithms for doing these tasks, and we intend to maintain the latest versions of the programs that carry out these algorithms on this page. So be sure to consult this page from time to time, and help yourself to the latest versions of the programs.

[/ QUOTE ]

A=B (http://www.cis.upenn.edu/~wilf/AeqB.html)

Graph Theory (http://www.math.uni-hamburg.de/home/diestel/books/graph.theory/)

If I run into others I'll post them. These are links to the authors websites. that have the books in PDF/PS form.


05-24-2006, 08:43 PM
If you have any others please post them as well.

05-24-2006, 11:06 PM
Diestel's Graph Theory books is one of the most beautiful textbooks I have ever read. Even though I can't stand graph theory, I love that book.

I'm too lazy to look up the links, but you should link to Allan Hatcher's algebraic topology books.

05-24-2006, 11:11 PM
Allen Hatcher's Algebraic Topology (http://www.math.cornell.edu/~hatcher/AT/ATpage.html)

J.S. Milne's number theory, modular forms, algebraic geometry, arithmetic geometry, etc. (http://www.jmilne.org/math/index.html) I don't think these course notes were ever published, but they're still useful.

05-25-2006, 06:22 AM
This one comes to mind
May's Algebraic Topology (http://www.math.uchicago.edu/~may/CONCISE/ConciseRevised.pdf)

05-25-2006, 10:12 AM
Thomas Ferguson

Middle Bottom of the Page
# Text: Game Theory
# Text: Linear Programming
# Text: Optimal Stopping and Applications

05-25-2006, 01:16 PM
Robert Ash has some available here (http://www.math.uiuc.edu/~r-ash/) (the basic graduate algebra course, algebraic number theory, commutative algebra, and complex variables).

Weston: another algebraic number theory (http://www.math.umass.edu/~weston/cn/notes.pdf). Also, this (http://www.math.umass.edu/~weston/oldpapers/banach.pdf) (an exposition of the Banach-Tarski theorem) might be found to be interesting.