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View Full Version : Pocket Queens in Vegas

05-17-2006, 03:36 PM
So I am playing live 1/2 NL holdem $200 Max buy in at the Aladdin Casino in Las Vegas when I come across this hand.

I have been playing relatively tight, but getting hands and making people pay to see them. i.e. opening for 15 and raising limpers for 20 and have been getting paid off. My open for 15 had been getting about 1-2 callers as of late.

Anyway, I am on the button with QQ. I have about 8 limpers in front of me. (Pretty standard for this weak live game at the Aladdin) I raise 20 more and get one caller who was a middle position limper, this player was also relatively new to the table and I had no reads on his play.

(Total Pot: $58)

Two players to the flop and we see:

Ks 6d Kc

He checks, I bet 30, he raises to 70, I call 40 more.

(Total Pot: $198)

Turn is 4 of Diamonds. He pushes all in for 91 more.

(Total Pot: $289 and is $91 to call)

What is your line on this hand?

Warren Harding
05-17-2006, 03:45 PM
I play it the same. He prob has a pocket pair and figures you missed or his PP is higher, or is outright bluffing. I don't consider checking behind on the flop because I am cont. betting here when I miss, and I want him to pay to draw. The check raise is interesting because it is small enough to entice a call (by design?), but I'd decide there that it is still unlikely you are against Kx,66,AA. Getting 3:1 on the turn push, I call. Disclaimer: I don't play this game at cardrooms, and this is the limit forum.

Man of Means
05-17-2006, 03:51 PM
This goes in the NL forum but I might as well take a shot at it for fun since I don't play much NL.

Preflop raise is good.

Your flop bet of half the pot looks like either you're scared or you have AK and want to suck in the opponent. I would've checked here, my desired result is to get to showdown cheaply and not put too much money in the pot unless opponent is a whacko. This would make your turn decision a lot easier too, i.e. you're not really pot committed if you check here.

If you had to lay this down, the flop c/r would be the place to do it, knowing that he's probably going to fire again on the turn.

The turn all-in gives you 3:1 pot odds and a call is read-dependent...i.e. a priori, I can't make this laydown on the turn vs. a generic unknown. He either has the King,66 or a lower pocket pair. AA is possible also, given the "test the waters" flop check.