View Full Version : Marriage Puzzle

05-12-2006, 09:42 PM
I'd never looked into this US census data until today but there are some striking asymetries regarding interracial marriage. All following data excludes hispanics.

White F and black M married couples are ~2.5 times as likely as black F and white M couples

Asian F and white M married couples are ~3 times as likely as white F and asian M couples.

Curious, no? As a white male I can only add some opinion based on a sample of one. There are very few black women that turn me on. There are somewhat more asian women that do likewise but overall, I find women of my own race more attractive (as measured by a random sample of my collection of porn).

Jump right in with anything that you think might be a reasonable hypothesis.

05-12-2006, 10:20 PM
Poor eyesight.

05-12-2006, 10:24 PM
asian men are just undesirable.. sorry guys /images/graemlins/frown.gif

i guess the same goes for black women?

in general that is. i have nothing against black women, and find some very attractive, but i'd be lying if i said i wasn't aware that a much larger % of black women are unattractive to me than white or asian women.

me likey the asian women, def.

05-12-2006, 10:36 PM
Size matters.

That's all the stats are showing us.

05-12-2006, 11:59 PM
I'm not into black women, but I love asian women. Which means I fit right in. That's very disturbing to me.

The fact is that mating, for whatever reason, is not an egalitarian process. At all. I want very much to believe that "there's someone for everyone" and all that... But it just isn't true. I'm not sure exactly what bearing these figures have on that, but I'm definitely glad I'm not an asian guy.

05-13-2006, 12:38 AM
White chicks find black men attractive and white guys find asian women attractive. I don't find black women attractive at all and black women don't find me attractive at all. I can't believe that this is shocking to you. Easy peasy japanesey.

05-13-2006, 04:10 AM
[censored] this [censored], I am Japanese and only go after white chicks. This sucks.

(Actually I did fairly well for myself in college - this study probably suffers from selection bias.)

05-13-2006, 04:36 AM
Speaking as a white man, I do find Asian women attractive. Physically, yes, but also they seem (more often) to exude a level of feminine dignity and self-respect that appears to be on the way out in white culture (and I don't know if it's ever been a part of black culture, at least in my time here on the planet).

05-13-2006, 05:59 AM
Gee, I must be naive. But I have been married to different women, from different cultures and backgrounds, and I have come to the conclusion that I like women. /images/graemlins/smile.gif

For my gay friends, I am sure that some guys are terrific too, just haven't had the time. /images/graemlins/smile.gif

05-13-2006, 06:09 AM
The puzzle is solved by the simple petition to all deities involved that no one mate with you.

Lest you spread more of your chum around, of course.

More serious answer:

This is my first post that will seem bigoted and prejudiced, but remember, I am speaking about my OWN observations. My own.

The Black female/white male couple is becoming far more popular. In particular, the cute (not necessarily model cute, but cute) preppy black girl and the band geek nerdy (not Gilbert Gottfried-nerdy, but not cool like some actor or model) white guy is 10 times more prevalent. Multiply times two if the girl is in fact multiracial. In poorer communities, it can happen as well. My cousin married a white guy. Was I mad? YES? 'Cause he was white? NO!!!!!!!!! I was upset when I found out he was nothing. I mean, he is a human being, yes, but aside from that, he has NO redeeming qualities. He is not good-looking, not smart, not intelligent, not funny, not talented, not responsible, he is addicted to drugs, and is a criminal. She's no angel, however. Hopefully, after they were busted for shop lifting and ordered into treatment for drug addiction, they can try to build something for the children. Yes, they have several beautiful children. (Did you remember, that during the 80s, a disproportionate number of Miss USAs/Americas were of mixed parentage? I love biracial/multiracial women!)

White men have the stereotype of being enchanted with the mysteries of the Orient. And many get what they think will be subservient "mail-order-bride types." This statement does not demean the many sincere, loving relationships out there. Again, my personal experience has been that I see quite a few Viet Nam era middle-aged men with Asian wives.

Those are my personal observations, and thus can't be wrong and aren't to be debated. What you could attack are any conclusions I might draw, and here is one:

Don't be prejudiced. Date and marry who the hell you want to.

Miscegeny rules.

Bonus point: Did you know that in early colonial times, mixed marriages were far more prevalent. It was not uncommon to see little Mary McTaggart with a black husband. Back when white and black alike where indentured servants. When white women started to prefer them to the gristly bastards (hehe), that's when the problems started. Don't argue with me. Argue with the intelligent individuals whose life's work has been collecting this information, and presenting it in a scholarly manner. http://www.infography.com/content/451691075438.html

That is all.

05-13-2006, 08:35 AM
I have a theory that Asian women are the poor white man's Cindy Crawford. White guys who can't score with the good looking white women because they are too ugly or because the white women are too damn greedy have an outlet with to asian women who are willing to marry white guys. Because asians are the closest thing to white women and have a perceived deferential attitude, the white guys go for them.

Oriental guys are not liked by most women because of their poor night vision.

05-13-2006, 08:59 AM

05-13-2006, 09:01 AM
Speaking as a white man, I do find Asian women attractive. Physically, yes, but also they seem (more often) to exude a level of feminine dignity and self-respect that appears to be on the way out in white culture (and I don't know if it's ever been a part of black culture, at least in my time here on the planet).

[/ QUOTE ]

But you do not seem to be on this planet.
I have seen skanks of all backgrounds. Are you doubting me?

I have seen plenty of classy black women, unlike you. Quit watching so much Springer.


For another thread.

05-13-2006, 11:52 AM
But you do not seem to be on this planet.
I have seen skanks of all backgrounds. Are you doubting me?

[/ QUOTE ]
Are you always this touchy? For the record, no, I have no doubt that you've seen many, many skanks of every background.

I have seen plenty of classy black women, unlike you. Quit watching so much Springer.

[/ QUOTE ]
What are you, the "black avenger" or something? Determined to make everyone else's sexual tastes politically correct or deride them as influenced by springer?

05-13-2006, 11:59 AM
Touchy? No. I just don't let anything smelly go unnoticed.

Anyone who wants to do so, click on his last 2 or 3 dozen posts. Or the last 200. Click on as many of mine as you can.

Come to your conclusion as to why I would respond to this poster, with his original comment, in the manner I did.


Quit watching Springer!
(That being said, Springer is highly intelligent, and a very patient man. Wants to return to politics, but can't shake his past).

05-13-2006, 12:43 PM
It blows my mind that you assume anyone would care enough about your motives in this thread to actively sift through hundreds of posts in order to "come to their own conclusion." Your reputation as the insecure, chest thumping, self-proclaimed "black genius" is well established around here.

05-13-2006, 12:48 PM
Insecure? Slightly. Mainly my ADD and compulsive behaviors.

Self-proclaimed? Uh, no. Those tests that are argued about confirm it.

Black genius? hehe, you crack me up.

I knew your reaction would be this, since your posting history proves what you are, and as YOU just posted, mine proves what I SAY I am, and can back up every [censored] word and syllable of it.

05-13-2006, 01:03 PM
"The fact is that mating, for whatever reason, is not an egalitarian process. "

In all matters of chosing a mate in America, discrimination is 100% allowed. What does that say when you look at that asymetrical data?

05-13-2006, 01:04 PM
Choosy mothers choose Jif.

05-13-2006, 01:41 PM
Maybe my blood sugar is just a bit low right now or something, but I've had enough of this BS. None of us know you from Adam, and your constant IQ-boasting really is nothing more than self-proclaimed for the purposes of this forum. Any joker can (and many do) boast about false credentials. And if you think people here care enough to check up on your claims, you're delusional in the most pathetic way.

Ever notice that Ph.D.'s around here don't go around boasting and comparing credentials? Ever notice how they tend to stick to the topic and let their comments speak for themselves? Oh -- except for the Black Avenger!!! He may not have a Ph.D., but he'll for damn sure remind you of his race and his personal IQ test score (according to him) in every single race-based thread! Everone here is polite enough to keep quiet about it, but you come off looking like a rube when you issue challenges and the like to people that express a point of view that rubs you the wrong way.

As to my own posting history -- I have no problem with your offense to it. It is a pretty accurate reflection of my interests, including quantum mechanics, cosmology -- oh yeah, and a cynical point of view on politics and race relations. It's not my intention in the slightest to keep you happy with it.

05-13-2006, 01:57 PM

Everything verifiable when you are ready. Put up or shut up. You say it doesn't matter, but have brought it up twice. Must sting. I would hate to have the situation reversed. I hate being challenged.

I personally don't think people "care" (you have used that word twice). Some people may be curious as to my actions toward you. It would seem that my perceived arrogant behavior by you would be counterproductive to any intent to have the community here "care," now wouldn't it? Charming.

Expressing a point of view is not a problem. But...

Ex. When the big multi-accounting MTT scandal was happening, someone in a thread brought up an offender's Jewish heritage. Is it OK for that person to think Jew this and Jew that? Of course. Is it Ok for that person to post those things? No. And I jumped on him about it, and after he confirmed his anti-Semitism, was killfiled by a few.

Killfile, by the way, would help you not to be so afraid of my bold challenges to you and any others of similar ilk. Out of sight and out of mind. If it were the other way aroud, I would hate someone saying they could crush me and my main response was that they are obv lying.

Black Avenger and Black Genius? heehe. I have a big collection of nicknames, and those fit in with my Black German and Black Jew ones quite nicely.

In other news, I just saved a bunch of money on my car insurance by switching to Geico.

05-13-2006, 02:09 PM
This is a classic case of "arguing with an idiot." You're probably some punk red-headed kid who knows that nobody but a nutcase would bother checking up on public message board claims. Classic case of low blood sugar getting the better of me. You and your little rascal friends have had your laugh. Have a good one, Opie.

05-13-2006, 02:13 PM
hehe. Sold digital camera to brother for his business, so I can't send pic right away.

Metric, you will be fine. Eat a banana, and go lie down.

05-13-2006, 02:53 PM
"This is a classic case of "arguing with an idiot." You're probably some punk red-headed kid..."

Whatever it is, it's not too entertaining.

05-13-2006, 04:16 PM
In my experience, there are more Japanese F - Chinese M couples than Chinese F - Japanese M couples. There are cultural reasons for this, and the census data, and I think these reasons explain most of the pattern.

05-13-2006, 04:50 PM
There could be biological reasons for this.

Firstly, youth is higly correlelated with attractiveness in females. This is how people like supermodels are chosen.

I cant find the study, but research on supermodels revealed an absurd level of youthful bias. The study took certain facial characteristics that always increase with age. These were things like ratios of certain lengths, but since its not in front of me, I cant remember what they were.

It turns out that based solely on these ratios, you would predict that most supermodels were younger than 10. Now, that doesnt mean looking at any one of them, you think they are ten. They simply posess certain facial characteristics of children.

I would not surprise me if something similar were going on here. Asians tend to have petite faces, and may in fact be more attractive to white males because of youthfulness. At the same time, black females tend to have larger facial features.

05-13-2006, 06:26 PM
He's one last stat that is also interesting:

White F and black M married couples are ~2.5 times as likely as black F and white M couples. Old news.

White F and black M unmarried couples are ~5 times as likely as black F and white M unmarried couples.

What's up with that?

I'll bet if you went to the trouble to look into things that correlate well with white women that cohabitate you'd find a bunch of things that didn't correlate as well for the similar married cohort. This is all seat-of-pants guess work but here's what I figure would correlate better with the cohabitating white F cohort:

Lower educational level
Lower income
More secular

Where am I going with this? I dunno. Did you flash on trailer trash?

05-13-2006, 08:27 PM

Touchy? No. I just don't let anything smelly go unnoticed.

Anyone who wants to do so, click on his last 2 or 3 dozen posts. Or the last 200. Click on as many of mine as you can.

Come to your conclusion as to why I would respond to this poster, with his original comment, in the manner I did.


Quit watching Springer!
(That being said, Springer is highly intelligent, and a very patient man. Wants to return to politics, but can't shake his past).

[/ QUOTE ]

I agree..highly intelligent. Too bad he wasted it pandering to the lowest common denominator. He could have been a very rich televangelist for example...and pander to the second lowest common denominator.

05-13-2006, 08:29 PM
Seriously, what are you trying to find out here?

05-13-2006, 08:39 PM
I dunno. The whole thing is a fairly pure expression of personal discrimination. It brings together both racial and sex differences. It's also interesting to see just how racist some of the posts are without really trying. All around good times.

05-14-2006, 05:47 AM
I'd never looked into this US census data until today but there are some striking asymetries regarding interracial marriage. All following data excludes hispanics.

White F and black M married couples are ~2.5 times as likely as black F and white M couples

Asian F and white M married couples are ~3 times as likely as white F and asian M couples.

Curious, no? As a white male I can only add some opinion based on a sample of one. There are very few black women that turn me on. There are somewhat more asian women that do likewise but overall, I find women of my own race more attractive (as measured by a random sample of my collection of porn).

Jump right in with anything that you think might be a reasonable hypothesis.

[/ QUOTE ]

Not that I believe everything I'm about to say but I think the common rationale is as follows:

Men want subservient wives, women want strong/protective husbands.
Men don't want strong(-minded) wives, women don't want subservient husbands.
Asians are submissive, black people are strong-minded/opinionated.
Also, Men want petite wives and asians are small on average whereas many black women are overweight/large.